Taking Action Based On Your Human Design

Aligning with your human design is life changing in ways I can’t even put into words. But here’s the thing. You don’t have to try to do all the things at one time.  You can take small baby steps and that can creative a massive shift in your overall results.

Today here are some small commitment steps you can take to start living more aligned based on your design. I know leaning into your human design can be a major learning curve and definitely push you out of your comfort zone. Aligning with your human design is life changing in ways I can’t even put into words

But here’s the thing. You don’t have to try to do all the things at one time.  You can take small baby steps and that can creative a massive shift in your overall results.

Today here are some small commitment steps you can take to start living more aligned based on your design.


How can you get more visible? Whether at work or online note that people cannot see your genius and invite you in if you do not allow yourself to be seen. Find a way this week to share more of yourself with the world. You will be surprised who you inspire and who in turn invites you into amazing and aligned opportunities.

Manifesting Generators: 

Learning to say no to certain options and opportunities allows you to step into your power and align with what is right to do and what you need to let go of. When you are fully aligned everyone in the collective benefits. So take some time this week to review your commitments an determine what no longer is aligned (you can pay attention to what your energy is telling you to answer this).  Then be brave enough to let that go so you can make room for right things.


Initiation is a big part of our process and sometimes we can learn to turn down the volume on what we need to be paying attention to. It requires a lot of courage to not only listen but to also initiate no matter how big or small. So this week I challenge you to lean into what you feel called to initiate and honor that urge. The more you prioritize this the more you learn to full trust yourself.


Your energy is so valuable and it’s important that you honor, prioritize and protect it. This week I challenge you to put yourself around people and spaced that feel good for you and your energy.  Remember you mirror the energy around you so find the places and people that feel best.


You have a lot of renewable energy and many people admire this. Because of it most people will start to add things to your plate. It is NOT normal to burn the candle at both ends or become frustrated or resentful of your commitments. This week review your calendar. Determine what’s working and how you can do more of it. Determine what’s working and how you can do less of it. This week be brave enough to say “no” to those things that no longer feel aligned and give yourself permission to change your mind. Prioritize your signature theme (satisfaction) this week and pay attention to your gut to know you’re available for and what you’re not.

If you’re looking for more tools, strategies and support to not only understand your human design, but to align your life with it sign up for my FREE training here: www.nicolyawilliams.com/living-aligned-by-design


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