Choose Courage Over Comfort

Do you know the difference between comfort and courage?

Courage is the ability to do something that may be frightening. While comfort is doing what feels safe and familiar.

In life, you feel fear and honor it because ultimately fear can be an immobilizing concept. With every area in my life that I chose courage over comfort, the outcome was much better even though in the moment it felt like the wrong thing to do.

So knowing that comfort isn’t the best choice in the face of fear how do you choose courage?

  • Find meaning. When you find meaning you will find the motivation that you need to push forward.

I often hear people talking about their desire to heal. But when it comes down to it they don’t have a real meaning behind why it’s important for them. Therefore because there is no meaning they don’t have the motivation to bring it forward.

If you really want to make a change you have to find a strong reason why this change important to you and for your life.

Ultimately life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Therefore​​ I challenge you to choose courage.

Watch this video to learn more!​​


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