Live by design NOT by default

​​All of us make decisions based on autopilot or not thinking it all the way through. We often live by default, allowing our emotions and our experiences to control and determine our life. When in reality this prevents us from truly living. By living I mean taking control of your life, identifying your BIG vision, creating goals, and then executing on those goals, but the majority of us do not do this.

If you find yourself waking up every morning without a sense of direction and just letting the day happen to you then you have been living by default. Now on the other hand if you are living life intentionally by chasing your BIG vision, waking up with a plan each day then you are living by design. 

The good news is everyone has the chance to live by design NOT default. Most of us fall under the default category because it is familiar and “safe”, but it is literally preventing your overall success. In this video, I will tell you how to create a life where you can live by design and NOT default.

Check out the video here!

If you are ready to live your best life get your FREE live your best life guide HERE! 


How Affirmations Transform Your Life


You Are An Average Of The Top Five People You Spend Time With