You Are An Average Of The Top Five People You Spend Time With

Do you ever wonder if the people you are around have an impact on your life?

 Jim Rohn says “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

While I never really bought into this thought, I decided a few years ago to check it out.

I calculated the five salaries of the people I hung around and divided was accurate

I calculated the times that the people woke up in the morning and divided was accurate
I calculated the number of jobs they had, the amount of time they spent with family, their level of education and it was all accurate!

When I did it changed my life...I realized that if I wanted something different I had to change my circle. Not that I did not love my friends or family, I just wanted something different that I felt like they wouldn't understand.

It made me think back to when I was turning ten I had a BIG sleepover at my house and was only allowed to invite ten girls. If you're a parent you know that that's a large number of kids to be responsible for, but for, me as a child, I was devastated I wanted to invite everyone. This is when my aunt sat me down and explained that everyone was not my friend. While I was nice to them and I enjoyed their company they did not all deserve to be in my inner circle. Although I was only ten it gave me a chance to reflect on where I was and what I needed out of a friend.

When we get older we often forget this truth. We hold on to friends because they have been around for a long time, or because we are scared to let go.

The truth is who you spend time with influences the person you eventually become. Who you are with can elevate you as much as it can bring you down.

Today let's talk about the benefits of having a strong circle of friends.

1. It changes your outlook on life

2. It can either motivate you or encourage you to stay stuck

3. Improves your self-confidence and self-worth

So ask yourself "who is it that I desire to be?" and "who do I need to have around me to make this happen"


Live by design NOT by default


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