How Affirmations Transform Your Life

To be honest for a long time, I thought the affirmations were overrated.

There are all of these expectations for things that we should do with self-care. And some of the ideas I bought into. Other ones I felt like what was the point. All I could do was imagine me standing to look in the mirror and talking to myself. That felt so silly and ridiculous.

It wasn’t until I realized the power of our thoughts and how they can impact our life that I decided to get affirmations a try.

Using affirmations as a self-care practice was life-changing.

So what are the benefits of affirmations?

Daily affirmations are designed to alter the beliefs about ourselves so we think more positively about ourselves and our life.

Affirmations are also amazing because they motivate us. If you say affirmations of things that you desire to do or feel you’re going to be more inclined to make those feelings come to fruition.

Affirmations are also important because they improve our quality of life. Research confirms that people who use affirmations regularly feel happier and have a more optimistic outlook on life.

While affirmations can be difficult to start to add into your life we don’t have to make them that way. The first thing you can do is identify what you would like to feel. Once you are able to do that you can create an affirmation that will allow you to feel that way.

Once you identify the affirmation I challenge you to say it twice a day to remind yourself the desires that you have and to motivate yourself to make them come true.

Watch my new video to learn more.


My Road to Healing as an HSP


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