Designed to ELEVATE: A Guide to Understanding Your Human Design and Transforming Your Life


What society tell us is that we should go to school, get a college degree, work 9-5, get married, have 2.5 kids and live happily ever after.So let me ask you....Do you feel like you're trying to live life on other people's terms?

Do you feel called to do something or be something different but feel guilty about it?Maybe you're miserable because it seems like everyone else's life is falling nicely in line but yours not so much.So now you're trying to force a false sense of happiness on yourself.I have news ...... the American dream is not a one size fits all.And what works for one person isn't a guarantee to work for you.You're spending time making other people happy all while you're out of alignment with who you are designed to be.

This is why you're bitter, frustrated, angry and exhausted.You see when you're showing up fully as yourself, life is spectacular, it's enjoyable it's amazing!The choice is yours to live by design or to live by defaultWe all have our own gifts, talents, successes and amazing skill sets but the problem is many of us have no clue how to leverage them.

Then before you know it you're looking around for one size fits all solutions to maximize your gifts, skills and talents but in turn they leave you more drained than when you began.This is why I am so passionate about human design. Human design will give you the insight to get in touch with what is inherently you and your strengths versus what you have been told or conditioned to be. With human design you learn to better understand how to make decisions, fuel your energy, set goals, relate to other people, and how to understand your unique gifts in order to maximize them.If you're ready to not only know yourself on a deeper level but also live life aligned with that buckle up because you're about to take the ride of your life.

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