The 5 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids


The definition of gratitude is a feeling of being thankful and appreciative. The Journal of Happiness Studies found that gratitude is linked to happiness in children by age 5. This means that instilling gratitude in your children at a young age could help them grow up to be happier, well-rounded, and more appreciative adults. Understanding this inspired the journey of making gratitude a regular part of the daily practice with my children and myself. Needless to say, it was life-changing which is why I was inspired to create this journal. Gratitude is more than just saying please and thank you it's about tuning in to what you have to be thankful for daily and making optimism a lifestyle.

The 5 Minute Gratitude Journal for Kids is a simple strategy to instill gratitude in under 5 minutes a day all while making it fun. Each day your child will be able to get in touch with how they're feeling, what makes them happy, and something awesome that happened through the day. This is your opportunity to give your child a chance to prioritize the gift of gratitude.

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