The Truth About Passive Income


Passive income is one of the most talked about concepts in the online space. Sadly, there is a major misunderstanding of what exactly it is. Yes , you certainly can make money passively, but let’s debunk this idea that money just lands in your lap coincidentally.

Passive income requires you to put in work on the front end and reap MAJOR rewards on the back end! Passive income is a revenue stream that takes little to no effort to manage and the ultimate goal is to be able to earn the money without having to "work" or show up for it!

Some examples of passive income you could create:

  • A YouTube Channel

  • Affiliate opportunities

  • Blogging/Podcasting

  • Books/eBooks/Planners/Journals

  • An online course

  • A Membership

  • A Training/Workshop

The options are truly endless.

The best part is that you could be making sales doing the things you love and likely spend a lot of time doing anyways. When I was beginning my business I bought into the myth that you have to show up for every dollar you earn. This is what society shows you and to some extent you have likely normalized this as well.

So I was literally working around the clock to make money and burning the candles at both ends. I knew I couldn't sustain this for too much longer, and that's when I decided to give the passive income route a go. I took a course I had already made and put it out there to sell as a passive offer...and when I sold my first enrollment I was excited and inspired beyond belief. I knew this was something I had to make my new norm.

This course has gone on to make me $20k PASSIVELY!!!

The reason I share this is because I need you to see that this is available for you as well. You can make money in your sleep, on vacation or wherever you are whenever it is for that matter!

Are you ready to learn how?

As both an entrepreneur and educator I am extremely passionate about teaching others the route to passive income...

If you're inspired to create passive income from your passion join me for my upcoming workshop HERE:


Using NLP


Active Vs. Passive Income