Using NLP

Neuro linguistic programming is one of my all time favorite modalities that I have become certified in. I use it for myself, with my children, and I also use it with my clients and have seen transformations like nothing I have ever experienced before.

You ask- what’s NLP?

Simply put: it’s the users manual for your mind. But let’s break it down a little further

Neuro — what we use to experience the world through our senses, including visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory responses.

Linguistic — language and other forms of communication we use to store our experiences and give it meaning inside our mind — including pictures, sounds, feelings, smells, tastes, and internal dialogue (and self-talk).

Programming — how we process and take information in, including the patterns. As well as the strategies we run inside of our mind to achieve our goals.

NLP has gotten a lot of attention over the years because many professional speakers, coaches and consultants use it!I am so passionate about this concept because honestly growing up we are taught how to access and use our conscious mind, but never our subconscious mind which is where real and lasting transformation takes place.

At any given time there are 2.3 million bits of information happening around us, but our minds can only handle about 126 bits. So your mind runs the information through a series of filters and deletes, distorts, or generalizes so that we can focus on only what’s important. Our minds then take that information we filter and makes an internal representation of it that can be visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or auditory digital (aka self-talk). This is why many people stay on what I call the negative spiral. They have a lot of negative thinking and to some extent seem to attract it as well.

The good news is you can at any point shift this! By working with our thoughts, we can really shift our beliefs, empower ourselves, and realize that we’re not as limited as we once believed we were. How you ask? You likely have never truly learned how to use your mind to create a better outcome for yourself.

But I have good news is now you can - if you’re ready to master your mindset and align your mind with your success I have just the thing for you...

I am hosting a totally FREE 3 day interactive behind the scenes experience where you will uncover the most transformational tools you can use not only in your personal life, but with your clients as well.Join us here:


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