How to Know If You Have Mastered Your Money Mindset

I have worked for years to shift and heal my mindset around money. I knew I had to because mindset, healing and even money are directly tied to your purpose. And I was not okay with letting any of that get in my way

Especially with growing up in a single parent home on section 8 and wondering how sometimes we could make ends meet. After incurring tens of thousands of dollars in student loans…After incurring thousands in legal fees for a divorce… I was worried that money would be a constant struggle- in fact I normalized it! I still wanted things to be different even though I didn’t know how.Especially since I hadn’t seen it done and because we as a society don’t talk or learn about money the way we should, but what I did know is that I wanted to do things I had never seen done before. And set an example for my daughters and show them what’s available for them too.I knew if I wanted something different I needed to do something different… I did !I invested deeply in my personal development and mindset growth even when it felt riskyIn addition, I made intentional changes to heal my money trauma in my lifeWhen everyone was spending I was saving.When everyone was keeping up with the Joneses I was making temporary sacrifices.When I wanted to give up I stayed the course!These decisions have afforded me so many opportunities and inspired me to help women heal their money mindset as well. In order to do that you have to face the difficult experiences, decisions and thoughts that have led you to where you are now. While it may not always be easy or fun, I can promise you that it will be worth it.Here are 3 ways to know if you have mastered your money mindset:

  1. You can openly and freely talk about money. Let's be honest talking about money will make most people cringe. It's because we are taught that money conversations should be private, or shouldn't happen at all for that matter. When you heal your money mindset, talking about money doesn't feel nearly as overwhelming or scary. It actually begins to feel empowering.

  2. You start focusing on abundance, ease and flow. Focusing on abundance and money always felt selfish or rude. This is because we hear things like, "there isn't enough for everyone", "rich people are greedy" etc. When you hear these statements and adopt them as if they're your reality it's hard to free yourself from those limiting beliefs. The truth is abundance is your birthright. And having money doesn't make you greedy or selfish. In fact, money highlights who are to begin with. So do not allow yourself to feel guilty when you focus on calling in abundance. Money is printed every single day all day so trust me you're allowed to have some and there is more than enough to go around.

  3. You reflect on your past money mistakes from a place of grace. The truth is we all make mistakes when it comes to money.  The problem is that most people do not learn from their mistakes. When you make a financial mistake (loan money to someone you shouldn't have, overspending etc.) the only way to learn and grow is the reflect on that decision. When you look back on those past decisions from a place of judgement you're more inclined to actually make more money mistakes. When you reflect from a place of grace you allow yourself to learn from it and make better choices moving forward.

If you're ready to shift your money mindset and call in the abundance you desire, you deserve join us in the money mindset mastery bootcamp here:


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