Stay In Your Lane


The other day I saw a meme of two people swimming. One person was focused on the finish line. The other was focused on the other person. Who do you think won the race?

I can assume without fully knowing that the person who won was the individual who focused on their own race. When you're watching everyone else and trying to jump into their lane or follow what they are doing you will always be behind. There is truly so much value in remaining in your own lane and focusing on your zone of genius.

Overwhelm is a real thing in online businesses. There is always more that could be done. More products to create, more blogs to write, more opt-in pages to build, more clients to connect with, more, more, more

.And one of the biggest contributors? Shiny object syndrome.

Every time you’re tempted to buy that new, must-have tool, or to test out a new marketing method, or even to switch business models entirely, you’re falling victim to this business killer.

Here’s the problem with shiny object syndrome. It prevents you from achieving success by shifting your focus away just when you’re about to hit your sweet spot. It’s true. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. A promising startup just begins to make sales and gain a following, and then out of the blue, the owner does a pivot into a completely unrelated niche or business.

All that work… just gone.

Don’t let this happen to you.

Set Clear Goals

The first step toward the clarity and focus you need to avoid shiny object syndrome is simply to know your goals. Where exactly are you going? Do you want to build a six-figure coaching program? Earn a living from your blog? Design websites for offline businesses?

Regardless of your business model, if you don’t know your goal, you will always struggle with focus, and every new strategy and tool will pull you further away from your dreams.

Commit to a Plan

Before you implement a new marketing strategy, change business plans, or even purchase a new tool, ask yourself if you’re truly willing to give it a fair shot at success. Marketing strategies take time to grow legs. Business models can require years to show a profit. And that shiny new tool won’t earn back its cost if you toss it aside next week for something different.

Be realistic with yourself, and make a plan to give your idea the best shot at success. Make a commitment to yourself and your business.

Put on Your Blinders

If all else fails, simply stop paying attention. Get off the mailing lists that endlessly promote the latest and greatest idea. Stop reading the blogs and visiting the Facebook groups. Don’t click on ads.

Focus on what you know works, keep your goals in mind, and recommit to making your business as good as it can possibly be.  


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