Why you shouldn't use EFT Tapping Scripts


If you attempt to google EFT tapping scripts you're guaranteed to find them in no time. While this can be a great idea when you're starting out and overwhelmed with where to begin it's not a great long term solution. This may seem weird as I sell scripts, but the true script is exactly what your body is telling you.

A tapping script can have the appearance of a magic spell: tap here and say this and everything will be all right, but it's a lot deeper than that/ Here are three reasons why you should lean into what your body is telling you instead of searching for a one size fits all script.

  1. A script won’t respond to your feedback. Scripts are already written out, which means if you're tapping and you're feeling new triggers or new thoughts come up the script doesn't change. You are restricted to the way the script describes the problem and organizes the solution. This is why listening to your body and going with the flow is a lot more valuable than just following some script. 

  2. Scripts can be a diversion from the hard work of solving the problem. If you spend all your time looking for a script , you're missing what it is that you can actually resolve by listening to your body. Many difficult triggers and emotional problems lie in our unresolved traumatic experiences. A script cannot address this. It may get to the surface, but not the root of the problem.

  3. Following scripts can make you passive. The truth is scripts are one size fits all approaches. The problem is that it doesn't fit for everyone. When you follow a script you turn your emotions and experiences over to someone else,  who will tell you what to do to make everything better. You're trusting someone else to make sense of what you're experiencing and give feelings, words and descriptions for it. These explanations and descriptions may not serve us and may even get in the way of our finding out and resolving what is really going on in us.Therefore you're not listening to what it is that your body is trying to teach you. Your body has a lot to say and it's in your best interest to listen.

Inside the ELEVATE Method Certification Program you will become certified in NLP, EFT, Life and Success Coaching, TIME Techniques, and Hypnotherapy. If you desire to learn more about the ELEVATE method certification program and how it can work for you grab your behind the scenes pass here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/experience-elevate


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