How to Create More Balance in Your Business

As an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to try to balance and do all the things. But that’s the quickest way to ensure that you’ll burn out. If you want to know how to avoid burnout and incorporate balance into your life as an entrepreneur, check this out!

Red, Green, Yellow

Let’s be honest. We all have things in our schedule that probably shouldn't be there. It’s tempting to try to put everything on your schedule or feel like you have to do it all, but it’s OK to realize that you have some things that are getting in the way of other things that are important. So what I do is I use a stop light strategy system to ensure that I am only doing the things that matter. 

Let me break it down. Red light are things that you should not be doing at all. You could potentially get support or delineate that task to somebody else which will talk about in the next step. Yellow light are the things that you should do but maybe do more so in moderation. While green light activities are the things that are in direct alignment with your goals and you should be doing more of those. So, for example, a yellow light strategy may be emailing a client if you have a VA that does your emails for you. Every now and again you may need to email a client, but it’s not an every day thing and that something that you can also give to someone else. A green light example would be doing your live videos, and you cannot give your live videos to anyone else because only you can be you. A red light strategy may be researching how to do ads when you already have paid someone to do advertisement for you. That’s something that you don’t need to spend your time doing when you’ve already been able to give that to someone else.

Get Support

Getting support was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I often felt like I had to do all the things in my business because I knew what I wanted my business to look like, and I struggled with feeling like only I could make it happen. Perfectionism really took over in this regard. This mindset prevented me from being able to get the support that I needed.

When I eventually started to bring on people that were great at what they did and got support with the things that I didn’t like to do. It gave me some more freedom to do the things that I was really good at. For example, I recently hired a Pinterest strategist. That is her specialty I don’t have to spend my time to dive in and research Pinterest tools and strategies. Now I have someone who just takes it off my plate, and she is great at what she does.

Manage Your Systems

This one is literally something you should be doing from the moment you begin your business. You need systems to keep your business running like a smooth oil machine. For example, your scheduling system. You will want to have an easy scheduling system so that you’re not spending your time going back-and-forth trying to communicate when fits on your calendar as well as your clients calendar. Another example of a having a system would be batching. I batch everything that I do in my business. For example with my YouTube videos I record multiple videos in one sitting. I write multiple blogs at one time as well. For social media I will write out my posts for the week and I’ll even batch out ideas for different reel or stories that I want to do. This prevents me from having to think of new and creative ideas every single day.

Raise Your Prices

This may be the hardest one for entrepreneurs because as as women we want to give back and we want to provide support for everyone even if its at the cost of our own sanity. So the idea of raising our prices can make us feel guilty because we feel like we won’t be able to support people who always need our help. What I found is when I gave myself permission to raise my prices, I felt more energetically aligned with the price that I was operating at, and I was able to show up at a better energetic state and support my clients more in depth when I had a few clients at a higher price range.

When I first began my business, I did not understand how to be able to give different tasks to other people and, honestly, I didn’t really see the importance of it. Because of that, it took me far too long to get the support and the systems that I needed to be able to scale in a way in which I wanted. I don’t want that for you, hence why I am sharing my tips and hacks so that you can understand the things that you need to do in order to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur.

If you’re looking for more support in tools on your coach journey I have just the thing for you. In my FREE three day profitable coach challenge I walk you through the process of being able to create a profitable and impactful coaching practice. Join us HERE:

Also if you desire to increase your productivity I also have a 3 day EFT for productivity bundle here:


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