How to Leverage The Power Of Video



Tik tok



It doesn’t matter what social media site you prefer video needs to be a major part of your social media strategy.

Video has a higher perceived value in the online space because video content typically performs best with most algorithms, based on the fact it captures a viewer's attention for longer and is usually more engaging.

Here are four reasons why you should be prioritizing video

  1. Video is a highly-effective tool and can help you create deeper connections with your audience much faster than text alone. In the online space it’s easy to feel disconnected. When you use video people get to see the real side of who you are. Video content is likely to engage your consumers and ignite emotions. Therefore allowing them to feel more drawn to you and your brand. Video builds trust and trust is the foundation of conversions and sales. When you are on video you don’t get to edit or necessarily fix it to make it perfect. It’s when people get to see the wrong real and vulnerable side of you they begin to feel connected and it allows them to build trust with you. There is a theory called the cue filter theory. When people are reading text it makes it harder to interpret the meaning or tone behind it. With video people get to see you up close and personal. They see your mannerisms, hand motions and even better hear your tone. This creates an amazing connection.

  2. Is easier for your audience to consume. Let’s be honest who has time to sit down and read for days. When you need some answers and you need it quick video is the way to go. Just a few months ago I was trying to fix my toilet and I didn’t look for a blog I looked for a video to literally walk me through it. The modern customer wants to see the product in action. Your ideal customers are doing the same they are looking for content, support , tools and offers that are not only going to help them with what they need but also be seamless to consume.

  3. Research is confirming again and again that video and online marketing are the best route. Statistics says that 63% of companies are using video. 75 Million people in the U.S. watch online videos everyday. In addition research shows that a vast majority of consumers prefer video content to reading. Because of this Consumer preference it has lead to video explosion in content marketing space. This is confirmation that people are searching for videos. If we know this is what people are looking it is imperative to meet your audience where they are create a plan for you to show up in this way - this in turn makes it easier for your audience to find you and take the next step with you.

  4. The social media algorithm will reward you. This will blow your mind but recent research says that you’re 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website 🤯 this stat blew my mind but definitely solidifies the way in which marketing and social engagement is headed. As if that isn’t crazy enough the algorithm on social media prefers it. Social media channels also encourage video content with their new features. Therefore if you want to get more visible social media is telling you the way to do it is through video. Maximize that friend!

The trouble is if you’re like most people you are likely terrified of showing up using video or have no clue where to begin! Don’t you worry boo I got just the thing for you.

In my new bundle Leveraging The Power Of Video you will learn how to:

- Magnify your unique vibe as you confidently close more clients without burning out

- Connect with and convert soulmate-level clients

- Create a streamlined video strategy

- How to keep your audience hooked while being true to yourself

Plus I am adding in a bonus confidence tapping session so you can show up confidently and unapologetically. Snag your spot here!

This is about to change the game for you!



How to be more visible using video


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