What You Need to Give Up to Be Successful

Being a coach comes with its challenges. For me the biggest one was myself.

Sure I wanted my business to be successful. Yup, I had a ton of amazing ideas. Of course I wanted to make an impact. But all of that required me getting uncomfortable and that was so scary. I learned  a lot along this journey, but the main takeaway was that I had to give up my fear to get to the future I truly wanted

Here is what you need to give up to get out of your own way to become a successful and highly sought after coach:

Give up comparing yourself

You are exactly where you need to be and exactly who you need to be.... but we all know good ol imposter syndrome will kick in from time to time. It's so tempting to look around and begin to compare your gifts and journey with other people- especially those you admire. You watch other people and start to second guess your calling. STOP IT! Your greatest asset is your authenticity- because NO ONE can match that. Know this, embody it and leverage it.

Give up fear

Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. The biggest mistake I see people making is allowing fear to guide their decisions. When you're stepping into a new level you are going to naturally deal with resistance. This is NOT a sign that something is wrong it's actually a tell tale sign that you're moving beyond your comfort zone. The good news is when you move beyond that you get to move into creating the success you desire and deserve.

Give Up Playing Small!

This is your official call to stop playing small. You know deep down you are called to so much more. Take some time today to remind yourself of why you're amazing and why you are the best person to do exactly what you're called to do! And then go out there share your gifts, charge what your worth and live your life to the fullest. Your future self will be so grateful you did!

Being an impactful and profitable coach requires discipline, consistency, and resilience and while these are great life skills to have, they are not always so fun when developing.

But what I can say is that in the end it will be so worth it.

If you're looking for more tools, strategies and support on the journey to building a profitable and impactful brand sign up for my FREE 6 Steps to Stand Out As A Highly Sought After Coach HERE: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/six-steps-to-stand-out.


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