How To Stand Out As A Coach

Are you struggling to make your coaching business stand out?

Are you questioning if you will ever be noticed?

Do you find yourself matching the energy of every other coach you admire online?

You are in the right place, because I’ve got 6 strategies you can use to make your coaching business stand out !

The coaching and consulting industry is booming. In fact it’s one of the fastest growing industries! The problem is if you’re not intentional you can blend in and lose the attention of your audience. So let’s talk about how to stand out !

Bring your growth mindset

If you’re going to hold tight to limiting beliefs you might as well stay where you are. As a coach when people come to you they are looking for you to support them and facilitate transformation. If you have limiting beliefs it’s going to be hard to make that happen. If you’re looking for tools and support to shift your limiting beliefs and subconscious mind to align with your purpose sign up for my mini course radical shifts !. The subconscious mind is what helps us create success in every area of life —, love, success, health, money, business, spirituality etc. when you master that you literally will change your life !

Be yourself

There was a time in my life where I did not feel like I was living up to my fullest potential. I didn’t know it at the time but the truth is it’s because I was focusing on trying to be some thing I was not. I was watching what other people were doing and trying to use that to gauge what I should or shouldn’t be doing. What I learned during this time is: the value of YOU is your most competitive advantage, something nobody else can compete with. It’s common when looking at social media to feel the urge or desire to compare yourself your journey and your success to someone else’s. But I promise you if you’re always looking out with someone else is doing and trying to match that you’ll always be one step behind and left unfulfilled. Instead of trying to be something you’re not learn to embrace your authenticity because at the end of the day it’s your greatest asset. The sooner you understand that the quicker you can leverage it!

Create a signature methodology

many coaches have great ideas and concepts for the way in which they want to support the audience. The problem is that many people have proven methods. In order to stand out you can create a signature methodology that has been proven to work to be able to offer to your audience. Maybe it’s some thing that you offered one on one and now you’re bringing it to a group maybe it’s through your own experience something that you’ve used and you found it to be successful. Once you find that path turn it in to a methodology so that your audience can see how it works for them.

Show yourself

many times when we get on social media we see all of the influencers with their fancy make up in their fancy hair and their fancy trips. And it’s hard to see who they are as a person behind the scenes. One thing I tell my clients is to find a way to show yourself. Show yourself out jogging talk about your family talk about your favorite past times. Sharing these parts of yourself that sometimes aren’t even necessarily related to business help people to see who you are as a person. If they feel connected with you as a person they are more likely to take that next step and work with you. Speak, and coach, from your heart that resonates with others and goes a long way.

Get testimonials

One of the biggest things that’s helped me grow my business was my clients getting such incredible results! This is the best type of marketing ever! It’s one thing for you to validate your service and your offers. Obviously you’re going to think they’re amazing since you’re the one that has created in. But when you have other people who have had an impact or a transformation from working with you share that. There are likely people who have been inspired by you but from a distance. When you share testimonials people get an opportunity to see what’s available for them if they take that next step. More importantly they see that if it happened for somebody else but it also can happen to them.

Become certified!

We live in a world where anybody can call themselves a coach …and a lot of them are great! But if you’re really serious about standing out as a coach, it starts with truly knowing you can deliver results. The coaching space is highly unregulated. Many people call themselves coaches and have great intentions but don’t really have the expertise the experience or the knowledge base to back them up. When you get certified by a credible source you get to validate your commitment to your business. Credentialing proves to clients that you have the skills that it takes and it helps you get noticed in a sea of “pseudo-coaches.” My certification program is currently on waitlist but if you’re interested in becoming certified in five different modalities that will not only transform your life but also transport in the lives of every person you interact with join the behind the scenes to experience ELEVATE for yourself!

It can be tempting to feel like all you ever do is blend in with the wide sea of other coaches. But if you follow these tips you’ll be able to stand out as the coach you’re called to be!

Which of these strategies will you be trying first? Let me know in the comments!


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