Why I Love Human Design

One day I was randomly scrolling instagram and saw a post about human design. It intrigued me so I decided to look into it more. I must admit I had no clue what any of it meant so I just continued to scroll.

A few weeks later I saw more info on it and I was immediately drawn to it yet again. I started to look into more info about my type and never in my life did I feel so seen and understood.

Have you ever had an experience like this ?

You see I love personality tests, mindset, human behavior, psychology and the like, but sometimes that stuff feels so surfacy (haha not sure if thats a word- but it doesn't feel deep enough for me). I would take tests like the enneagram and Myers briggs, but yet I still felt so different.

So I started to study human design. The further I dug the more "ah-ha" moments I was having and the more I felt like the giant puzzle of my life was coming together.

I knew pretty much right away I needed to become certified in it to bring more of this to those who needed to learn it most. So I started my certification journey and I have never ever ever looked back.

Needless to say human design changed my life!

I, for once, feel like I not only understand who I am DEEPLY I have come to a point where I am able to fully embrace and love it! I have also been able to step in and support my clients with doing this as well.

Human design assists you with a deeper understanding of how you best operate in the world and truly is a user manual for yourself.

Human Design allows you to see where you have been out of alignment and where you have been misunderstood. It highlights where you have been conditioned and gives you the tools to decondition and align with your true self. It gives you the permission to let go of old “conditioning” and patterns and introduces you with the person you were truly born to be. When you begin to live according to your true design and your own truth, life begins to make sense, and it becomes easier to accomplish our desired outcomes.

If you're ready to embrace your authenticity, find your purpose and live life more intentionally- sign up for my FREE workshop on living aligned by design.

See you soon!


Types of Funnels


Human Design and Christianity