Human Design and Christianity

Human Design is an absolutely amazing tool that helps you better understand your unique genetic makeup. When I got certified in human design, I fell in love with every aspect. I use it within my own life so that I can align my life with who I am truly made to be and not some conditioned version of me based on society or experiences. And I also use it with my clients as well.

Recently, I've been asked quite a few questions about human design as it relates to my belief as a ChristianAnyone who's been following me for some time know that I am a Jesus lover and unapologetic about it. And so those two things can seem very contradictory. But I'm going to share today why I feel like human design has actually helped me relate to God more intentionally and more successfully.

So first things first. When we talk about like astrology or things like that, the way in which the Bible speaks of astrology being negative or something that we should just sway away from is when we're using those concepts or those things to try to replace God. The problem is we're not giving God credit. And the problem with that is He deserves all the credit. We shouldn’t give anything or anyone more credit than God. I don't give any thing, any other entity, any other person, any other "god" credit for the way in which I was designed. I am not giving human design credit for my life or my experiences. I give the heart full credit for the unconscious and conscious aspects of my life or the things I see and the things I don't see. And so that's one way in which I really merge and God as well as human design, by making sure I put God first.

Even in the Bible, in Genesis 1:14-18, it talks about God created all the things the seen and the unseen things. Also in Deuteronomy 4:19 the bible says do not worship the stars because God created the stars. God is in control and in creation over everything. And knowing that first and foremost and building your foundation upon that means that you're still going to put your focus and attention on God and not prioritize anything above or beyond what it is that God has been able to do. God is ultimately in control of it all. In the book of Jeremiah it is referenced that God is in control of it all. And as long as you build your foundation knowing that, then you're still going to prioritize and obviously put God first and foremost and in turn you will use human design as a tool to better know yourself since you're made in His image (Genesis 1:27).

The second thing is astrology is often demonized because it's trying to help you predict the future. With human design the premise is to help you understand how you were born and who you are designed to be, your purpose, your genetic makeup, and to operate in alignment with that within your life so that you feel satisfied, so that you feel at peace, successful. In turn, you can go after what it is that you're called to be able to do. In the Bible Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

And I think, again, it goes back to trying not to understand and predict what's going to happen in the future, but just to trust in the Lord knowing that God has your back and wants well for you. My favorite all time favorite verse in the Bible is Jeremiah 29:11 which states " I know the plans I have for you declares Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope". Understanding that verse, when you try to get into that predictive nature, that's putting you in a place of not trusting God. We have to learn to trust God and his desires for us. In the meantime, figure out how you can align with what it is God called you to do, knowing that the future is amazing because you're in God's hands.

Finally, the third reason that I believe human design has been so powerful is because the truth is God placed each of us here for this time and for purpose. In order for us to really be able to maximize the time that we're here on this earth, we have to understand both our strengths and our weaknesses. We have to understand our passions and our struggles and really understanding and interpreting your human design helps you to see those things. Human design also helps you to really maximize your strength and it helps you to draw and connect with God, thanking Him for the things that you're placed here to do and the things that you're really good at because of your unique genetic makeup. Human design helped me. to feel deep gratitude for how God designed me.

If you check out the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12, the first part talks about our spiritual gifts, we all have different spiritual gifts and the variety is what makes us unique, that what it's what brings us all together as a collective and helps us to be able to support the kingdom. The second part of 1 Corinthians 12, talks about how each gift that we all have allows us to operate in harmony. Therefore I find it to be a blessing for me to learn by gifting and passions and what makes me unique because now I am able to teach other people about their strengths. More importantly, it confirms the things that we need to be able to operate with confidence of an unapologetic attitude in using those strengths. So its an honor to show others their human design so they can operate in their gifting, live in alignment and draw closer to God. Because when you're operating in your gifting, when you're operating in your calling, living in alignment and connecting with God you're not only serving yourself, but you're serving the entire world as well.In Matthew, 7: 22 Jesus talks about it, is our direct connection with him that enables us to be able to use our gifts of prophecy, of teaching, of healing, of miracles and all of those things. Human design, as I see it firsthand enables us to be able to connect with God, to be able to bring these gifts to fruition.

If you're new to human design and desire to better understand your human design or maybe you have heard of it, but have been on the fence I have just the thing for you. You can use the link below to join my FREE upcoming workshop where we'll talk about your unique genetic makeup how you energetically operate in the world, how other people are experiencing your energy, how to protect yourself, how to take care of yourself, and how to align with who you're called to be. Human design is so transformational which is why I am so passionate about it. It has personally changed my life and the lives of my clients as well. So if you're interested in learning more and aligning your life with it, use the link below so that you can join my FREE workshop. And trust me when I say your future self is going to be so grateful that you committed to this opportunity. I am ready to learn all about my human design NOW!


Why I Love Human Design


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