The Biggest Barrier to Success

The biggest barrier to being successful is YOU %FIRSTNAME%! 
​​ I know that goes against popular opinion and belief, but I am being honest. 

​​ So many times we want to blame our schedule, our environment, and other people for the lack of success we have. While blame is a great defense mechanism and it allows you to feel justified it actually, in turn, prevents you from growth.

​​ So if you are blaming other people you are already setting yourself up to be less successful because the most productive and successful people identify their power and acknowledge their role and go after what they want despite other people.

​​ There are so many things that keep us from going after what we want. And the truth of the matter is the biggest barrier is you and you being unsure of what you want. 

​​ Yes, you may say you desire a lot of things but when it’s time to dig deep it’s difficult to truly explain what you want. When big life changes happen it shakes you up making it difficult to understand your purpose outside of the pain, your desires and ultimately who you are. 

​​Which then, in turn, makes it hard to know what you want out of life. Here are two things you can do to get out of your own way
​ - Avoid the comparison trap 
​- Be still with yourself 

​​ What can you do today to start spending time with who you are and finding the strength to go after what you truly desire?

Watch my latest video to learn more.


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