There is a desire that lives deep within your soul
That desire is calling you to so much more

You know you’re here to make waves.

You know that you’re here to move mountains.

You know you’re called to change the trajectory of not only your life, but those whom you work with.

You’re finding yourself in the midst of something massive.

And it’s not a coincidence that you are here!

I know it was all in divine timing

If you are truly ready to become magnetic for your dream clients and facilitate next-level client results, lean in because I have a program that will change the trajectory of not only your business, but your life…

Elevate Method


Your Guide To Becoming a Master NLP Practitioner, TIME Techniques Practitioner, Life And Success Coach, and Hypnotherapist.

Here you will discover mastery of a whole new realm with some of the most life changing techniques. Students of the Elevate Method Certification Program or of another recognized certification can take their mastery to the next level with the Elevate Method Masters Certification.

This is advanced level training that will further your personal growth, give you more authority, more confidence, and deep insights into the motivation that influences human behavior. 

The masters program is an immersive experience that is run like a mastermind in that we are not only certifying you as a master!

You will also get amazing business support inside of this intimate container. You will receive hands-on training, demonstrations, tools and techniques that you can immediately put into practice as a certified master practitioner!


If we have not met before,

Hey, I'm Dr. Nicolya

Transformational Coach, Trainer, 12X International, Best Selling Author Believer and Girl Mom.

For years I felt that tug. It's hard to explain unless you have felt it yourself.

It's a still small voice calling you to more. It's that still small voice telling you to make a decision that defies all logic. It's that still small voice asking you to fully trust.

To be totally honest - I tuned that voice out. I tried instead to pay attention to what makes sense. Trying to rationalize myself away from listening.

But the more I avoided it the louder it got. Until I got to this place where I decided to tune in.

To listen, to acknowledge, and to be obedient.

gold vertical line

I remember becoming certified and I felt called to master the skills that would allow me to create an even bigger impact with my voice and my client transformations with a master certification.

I knew my assignment was bigger than me, but with that calling fear was the companion.


And the fact that you’re here I know that you feel it too.


I learned a lot on this journey and it's the main reason I am so passionate about the work I do as a coach.


One of the greatest lessons I learned was that


Fear will fail you every time...courage never will.


Moving forward I chose courage and it was the best decision I ever made!

What are you choosing?

Masters is the ultimate resource to help you show up as the confident and courageous coach you’re called to be and build the business of your dreams. 


You know which one I am talking about…It’s the one that has been on your vision board!

Certifications Included In The Program




master life and success coach
master time techniques practitioner
master NLP practitioner
master hynotherapist
master elevate coach

In addition to these amazing certifications, you also will…

✨ Learn how to create your own agency to be able to land amazing consulting and corporate gigs!


✨ Use Advanced NLP patterns that allow you to take what you learned at the Practitioner level to the next level and even deeper in the reprogramming of the subconscious mind.


✨ Become a highly sought after speaker by using the NLP Speaking Format that the most popular speakers leverage. Whether in person or online, leveraging this tool will give you the know-how to present effectively and will set you apart from everyone else.


✨ With masters you will learn some of the most advanced negotiation, presentation and training skills and how to effectively leverage them. 


✨ You will learn the magic of  conversational change! This means the conversational patterns you learned at the practitioner level will simply become a part of how you speak naturally and effortlessly. In addition through your language you will learn how to impact and influence others through everyday conversation in an ethical way. 

✨ You will learn how to elicit values and change them as well.  Values drive your behavior and decisions and when you help your clients elicit them you can support them with achieving the results they desire and deserve.

✨ You will learn some additional tools that you need to guide your clients through deeper m0re meaningful life changing breakthroughs.


✨ Create a transformative experience that keeps you on your clients mind and your calendar full


✨ You will learn how to increase your prices and work with more soul mate clients


✨ Facilitate breakthrough days that clients pay over 5k for. Here you will deep dive with clients for a VIP day and support them with rewriting their patterns and creating momentum with their dreams

This masters level will provide you the next level confidence, serious mental clarity, and soul-level alignment that you desire and deserve.



✦ The tools to make SOPs so you know how to hire your dream team


✦ You will get a behind the scenes of the back end of my business and how you can build yours on the right foundation


✦ You will learn how to create a consistent content plan and how to repurpose it in a way that’s sustainable


✦If you know you’re called to be a speaker you will learn a creative speaking strategy that the most talked about speakers leverage and will keep you booked


✦ And so much more …..


Are you finally ready to give your dreams a fighting chance?


It’s time to allow NLP to become not what you "do" but who you are.

Upon completion of The ELEVATE Method Master Coaching Certification you will:

✦ Receive FIVE Fully Board Accredited Certifications by The International Energetics Association 

✦ New Opportunities to add VIP breakthrough days to your programs or leverage these skills to extend your work into the corporate space as your own boss.

Here is what my clients have had to say:

VIP Breakthrough Day

The Master Practitioner training is one of the most powerful and expansive training that we offer because in the training you will get the opportunity to be both the coach and the client for almost every technique we teach... including a full-day "breakthrough session". This first hand experience allows you to create your own breakthroughs and to be prepared to hold space for amazing shifts for your clients when you facilitate them as well.

As a MASTER COACH, YOU’LL BE CERTIFIED TO FACILITATE OUR 4-8 hour intensives for your clients we call these breakthrough days!

This is a powerful and transformative experience in which you help your clients get to the root of their struggles, work through them and then create a compelling future that they can’t help, but be magnetized towards.

This experience allows for an awakening that your clients have never experienced.

The breakthrough days are so profound because it is essentially getting months worth of deep support in one session!

Upon completion of the breakthrough session they come out on the other side ready to ELEVATE!

As a coach when you provide impactful & incredible transformations and hold intimate and safe space for your clients, they are able to create change easily & come to see that everything was within THEM.



You will have a chance to support corporations with high performance coaching.

You will learn how to support companies with sales and revenue. 

You will be able to support corporations with sales and communication.

If you’re ready to become the best at what you do with the most profound and advanced techniques this is where you need to be.


What’s Included:

👉🏽 7 Days of Live Immersion Training with a virtual option (Houston, TX).

👉🏽 Four months of ELEVATE Method Master Training. Each month includes:

  • One co-working call

  • One Q&A call

  • Two masters level preparation calls

  • One guest expert (Topics include but are not limited to launching, leveraging Pinterest, sales, course creation, corporate coaching etc.)

👉🏽 These calls are in place to provide you with a complete guide to creating streamlined systems, SOPs, sales pages that lead to an Absolute YES Funnel for your signature offer, including email sequences, landing page layout feedback and social media templates and so much more!

👉🏽 Not to mention you will receive lifetime access to the entire portal

👉🏽And access to leading guest experts in sales, mindset, etc.


Meet the Experts

  • The Power of Pinterest with Niqueea The Marketing Prophet

    There is so much power in visibility. Let Niqueea show you how to leverage and utilize pinterest to work in your favor. The best part is that the pinterest algorithm isn’t run like social media platforms so once you learn to use it your business can be in front of your ideal audience for months to come from just one pin.

  • heaven bio image

    Seamless Launching with Heaven Griffin

    Imagine learning exactly how to launch your coaching programs or offers in a way that's sustainable and scalable. You'll learn the mindset, mechanics, and marketing strategies to attract sales during, and even before, your launches!

  • erin bio image

    Attachment Styles Regarding Money and Business with Erin Nicole

    Attachment trauma leaks into our business and most of the time we don’t even recognize it. Erin will discuss nervous system regulation and attachment repair showing you the power behind the energetics of business.

  • angelic bio image

    Online Courses That Make You Passive Income with Angelic Mariner

    Creating and selling an online course helps to position you as an authority. Angelic will share her genius teaching you how to make money passively through online course creation.

  • kaylee bio image

    The Energy of Money with Kaylee Anne

    Understanding your money will change the way you handle it. Kaylee will give you some amazing tools to explain how Money works (energy, flow, taxes) and how you can actually leverage it as the leader. This is NOT your traditional money course.

  • Amber Campbell bio image

    Cycle Syncing Your Biz 101 with Amber Campbell

    What does a cycle have to do with business?

    Well…. ALOT

    There are four phases to your menstrual cycle and this determines your energy throughout the month. Bringing awareness to your body's natural hormonal cycle, and then using that knowledge to inform your actions and decisions depending on which phase or "season" you're in at the moment will transform your business tremendously.

    The amazing Menstrual Maven Amber will share the four phases and help you align your business with them for ultimate success, to leverage your strengths and embrace your feminine power.

  • Martina Pichler Boounni

    Anchored In Your Purpose Driven Soul Calling with Martina Pichler Bounni

    The mind body connection is more powerful than you could ever imagine and this is why somatic work is so important. Martina is a transformation coach helping female entrepreneurs and coaches feel safely anchored in their emotional, creative bodies and feel more vibrant and audacious to take giant leaps forward. As a coach, she is a firm believer that emotions are guiding superpowers in entrepreneurship and with this training she will teach you how to heal the impaired relationship between the mind and the body. With this you can become the Chief Intuition Officer of your soul led business.

  • Inner Child Healing With Hazel Antiporta

    Everyone has an inner child. Many are operating with a wounded inner child unconsciously throughout life. But when we tune into the inner child, it can help us break cycles that manifest into our adulthood. Hazel will discuss the fundamental basics of inner child healing and how you can incorporate your little you into your life.

More Client Love:

You know that feeling you have in your gut right now?

The one you’re getting while reading this page?

The one that says, “Wow. This would be so nice. I wish I could be a coach at this level.”

The thought that keeps popping . lt’s that feeling that is afraid of taking a risk. 

That feeling is so important. I want you to sit with it. Honor it. Get to know it.

Your desires are in this quiet space. When all the “buts” disappear and you can finally admit to yourself, “I want more.”

Oh, girl, I know this feeling all too well. No judgment here.

I created The Masters Level Of The ELEVATE Method for women just like you and me. It’s the next level coaching that equips you with so many deeply effective, healing modalities to truly change lives.

I know it is difficult to make a decision to jump in. There’s a reason you’ve stayed where you are for so long. I want to make it super freaking easy for you to listen to that tug in your gut.

Right now, in addition to The Elevate Method certification system, you are going to access a ton of juicy bonuses.

✔️ How to Become a Highly Sought-After Speaker

✔️ 12 Laws of the Universe

✔️ Profitable Products

✔️ Inner Child Healing

✔️ How to Avoid Burnout as a Coach

✔️ Money Mindset BOOTCAMP

✔️ Mapping Out Your High Ticket Offer 

As a PIF bonus you will receive 5 bonus hours to work with my team for a personal eye and feedback on your business. This will help you expand and strengthen your brand and get some done for you support.


As an NLP Practitioner, you are only learning a quarter of the body of NLP. Upon completion of the masters program you will know the full body of it and more importantly be able to embody it.

If you want to stand out as a coach it’s more than knowing what you’re doing it’s about MASTERING IT!!

So here’s to your mastery!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The ELEVATE Method Masters Program is for you if you are ready to step into that next level coach you’re called to be. Master your craft and impact those you work with on a deeper level. Fill your coaching toolbox with some of the most powerful tools in the personal development industry. Get uncomfortable at the cost of your massive growth. Uncover the personal blocks that prevent your success. Create a massive ripple effect not only in your life, but in the lives of the clients whom you work with.

    Fast track your success with some of the most life changing tools!

  • As soon as you sign up, you will get INSTANT access to the online course portal that is FILLED with the bonus trainings. You will also get an email with your log in information and how to access the course (be sure to check your inbox and whitelist us so you receive all of our email updates). Lastly, you will get the training details for your specific cohort.

  • What I love so much about masters is that the path to become a master practitioner is a straightforward one. This is how it works:

    You sign up.

    You attend our LIVE Immersive training (Either in Houston, TX or Virtually).

    You complete and receive your breakthrough day.

    You are certified!

  • This may be one of my all time favorite questions. With the ELEVATE Method we build on 3 pillars which make this program unparalleled. The Coaching, The Community and The Certification.

    ✨The Coaching

    What good is it for me to hand you these amazing certifications, if you have no understanding of what to do with them? Inside of the ELEVATE Method we support you with business and mindset coaching to help you ELEVATE your business to the next level. You also get so much practice around implementing these modalities so when you show up on your client calls and group coaching you are confident in the shifts you get to facilitate.

    When I started my business, I Googled & YouTubed everything -- and even took over 16 programs to try to piecemeal my way to success. Guess what? It didn’t work because I was taking in contradicting information and I was way beyond overwhelmed.

    When I created the ELEVATE Method, I wanted to save you the trial & error process. You’ll basically have my footprints as your blueprints and a real behind the scenes of m my brand. With the ELEVATE Method you learn a foolproof formula to build out the coaching business you desire and deserve.

    ✨The Community

    I would have never made it this far without my own community surrounding me and lifting me up along the way. So, let the E.L.E.V.A.T.E. community be the pillar and fuel for success . . . all you need to bring is the vision we will support you and bring the fire.

    We have a supportive community of like minded people and supportive coaches that not only hold you accountable, but also hold space for you to expand and grow in a safe space. This is also a great way to expand your network and we all know that networth is tied to network.

    ✨The Certification

    You don’t NEED a coaching certification to become a coach. However having the knowledge, the integrity, and the tools to facilitate and support your clients on a deeper level is so important.

    We live in a world where anybody can call themselves a coach …and a lot of them are great! But if you’re really serious about standing out as a coach, it starts with truly knowing you can deliver results.

    When you get certified by a credible source you get to validate your commitment to your business. Credentialing proves to clients that you have the skills that it takes and it helps you get noticed in a sea of “pseudo-coaches.”

    We are not in the business of becoming a certification factory. Meaning we are not designed or interested in certifying everyone. We desire to certify those who are ready to create a ripple effect in this space and want to do so with integrity.

  • It is so important that I am able to bring the support and tools you need to be successful to you in an accessible and affordable way. Feel free to note on your application that you’re interested in the payment plan options and we will be sure to share those with you.

  • I still remember my first BIG investment like it was yesterday! I was so scared and literally shaking when I hit the buy button. I called a good friend of mine on the phone and said "don't let me talk myself out of this" and guess what? I hit BUY!!

    Was I scared? Yup! But you know what else? I trusted myself and it felt so liberating!

    It may have been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Investing in my business literally transformed my business and my life! It even changed the way I work to make aligned decisions. Whenever I am dealing with fear around a major decision I always ask myself ...

    “What’s the absolute worst that could happen?”⁣

    ⁣I then give myself permission to be a total pessimist aka negative Nancy. ⁣And then I consider...

    “What would happen if that did happen? What would be next? “

    And I realize with each and every EXTREME scenario I play out I know that at bare minimum I would come back to right where I am. I then smile and realize I am certainly resilient and way more resourceful than I give myself credit for. Interestingly enough, I had a coach tell me once that we all have a thermometer for success and we usually keep it at the temperature we’re most comfortable with.

    Yours happens to be right where you’re at - which is already your worse case scenario. Knowing this, what do you have to lose by taking a leap of faith on your dreams? Once you fully understand this you come to see you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by trusting in yourself and your dreams!

    Also I want you to know that you do have an option to use our financing options. You can email our team for more details. While this is an option I want you to fully be in alignment with your decision. So take a moment to ask yourself is this a decision your future self will thank you for?

  • Please note that you must show completion of NLP Practitioner/TIME Techniques/Hypnosis/Life and Success Coaching from an approved certification company.

  • When I talk to people to about my offers, out of integrity I always give them information and allow them to come to an aligned answer for themselves. There is no value in pressuring someone to make a decision.

    Because I fully believe that the energy behind your decision determines the results. Meaning when you make a decision out of desperation or fear you will manifest more of that. When you make a decision out of excitement and embodying your next level you create space to call that in!

    You read all the way to end so I trust that this resonated deeply with you.

    And I want to honor where you’re at. This program is truly transformational and will change your life in ways you can’t even begin to fathom. This is your call to help change the coaching industry by 1st embodying the work for yourself and then impacting your clients with it!

    And one final note: Your desires chose YOU for a purpose and they are a safe form of guidance highlighting what you’re called to do.

    I can’t wait to support you!

    Someone somewhere is waiting on you to do what you’re called to do ….. #itsyourtime

  • We surely want you to be richly rewarded and satisfied with the investment that you make with us. If for whatever reason you do not feel that way connect with our team within 72 hours of your purchase and we will provide you with a refund.