Why You Should Get A Business Coach

And how hiring mine helped me to scale my business drastically

Have you been, YouTubing and Googling, to try to figure out the right strategy to be able to scale your business? 


I know I can relate to that. I'm a pretty resourceful person. I felt like if I worked hard enough or I looked hard enough, I'd be able to find the tools to be able to scale my business how I wanted it. And while I did make a lot of progress and had some momentum, the truth is I was exhausting myself and it felt like I was throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping that something would stick.

What I learned on this journey is that while I made some progress, the truth is I could only get so far doing it alone. I decided that I wanted to hire a coach who essentially knew the route that I was trying to go and could support me in getting there, and, let me just say, it was a game-changer for me. Today, what I want to talk about is the top reasons why hiring a business coach will also be a game changer for you and literally change the trajectory of your business. Let's go.

A Business Coach Can Help You Clearly Define Your Goals


The first reason hiring a coach is so powerful is because it helps you to clearly define your goals. Yes, you may know you want 15K or 20K months, but you may not know what it looks like to be able to get there. You may also not know, do you want 20K after your team, before your team, and all of those things. So with your coach looking from an objective standpoint, they can look at your goals and help you to clearly define them. In addition, as they're helping you to clearly define your goals, they can help to give feedback about the path that you can take to actually be able to reach them.

My Elevate Method Certification Program is life-changing, and this program is so life-changing because I put my blood, sweat, and tears (figuratively) into this program.

What happens in this program is people get to allow my footprints to become their blueprints. What I’ve done is take all of the information that I've compiled from different courses I've invested in and coaches that I've worked with, from Google, from YouTube, things like that, and compiling it in a way that creates a foolproof formula to help people build this profitable, impactful and sustainable business from their passion.

I use this as an example because that's exactly what makes coaches so powerful. Because they're not having you throw spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick. They're not giving you a formula that may work. They have had experience with things that work and they're able to pull back the curtains and share those same things with you. And what I love most about that is that it cuts your time, your effort, and your energy in half, but you're still able to get magnificent results. 

A Business Coach Keeps You Accountable

The next reason that it's so valuable to hire a coach is accountability. Accountability is probably something that is very slept on in the online space. But when you're moving into entrepreneurship, there's going to be a lot of people that don't understand you, that can't hold you accountable even if they want to. There are going to be people that don't want to see you succeed. Being able to have that person in your corner that not only helps you define your goal and gives you a strategy to do it, but holds you accountable to following through. What good is it if you're talking about your goal but not taking action? What good is it if year after year after year, you have the same exact goal on your vision board that serves no one?


And this is where accountability becomes so powerful with that. 


One of the most amazing pieces of being a coach and of having a coach is actually the cheerleading piece of it. And what I mean by that is coaches cheer you on. When you find the right coach, they want to see you win and they're invested in your growth and your possibility and potential to win just as much as you are. And so when you have these small, seemingly meaningless wins or when you have massive results, they're going to celebrate with you.

Because that is such an exciting experience to have as a coach but to also be able to have as a client as well. Now, I do want to make it clear that the right coaches won't just celebrate your wins, they'll also celebrate what feels like a failure. I'm a firm believer that failure is feedback. So even through our failures, we have opportunities to learn and to progress and be able to move forward. When coaches are able to highlight that help you to learn from that failure, you then in turn get to move in the direction of what it is that you want to do.

The cool part about them helping you learn from your failures is that through that process, you're actually strengthening and building your resilience muscle, which is so powerful because let's be honest, in this entrepreneurial space, you will need a resilience muscle. The truth is, it's not all butterflies and rainbows and ease. There's a lot of growth that happens in the entrepreneurial space. There are a lot of times when you'll be uncomfortable. There are a lot of moments where you'll have setbacks or perceived failures.

But what I can tell you is it's so worth it. And having someone in your corner that you can process with, that you can vent to and you can celebrate with, makes a massive difference. 


A Business Coach Will Help You Focus On What Matters

The next reason that it is so beneficial for you to have a coach on your team when you're ready to build that sturdy foundation for your business is that coaches help you focus on the things that matter.

I have to be honest because I don't have anyone in my inner circle or even in my family that's an entrepreneur. I didn't really know where my attention should lie, and so what ended up happening in the early stages of my business is I was like, spread really thin trying to focus on a lot of different things.

In hiring a coach, I was able to see what areas I really needed to hone in and focus on, what areas I needed support with, and what areas maybe didn't matter as much as I could totally release. This helped me a lot when I was trying to create a balance between being a mom, being in school, working a full-time job, working a part-time job, and building a business.

You can relate to wearing so many hats, right?

A lot of times we can lose that focus when it comes to trying to balance it all. And then we end up burning out and become resentful and bitter in our business.

And I don't want that for you. This is why having a coach that helps you to really focus on the things that matter can be a game changer for you and your business. 

All in all, coaching creates an amazing, unique, yet expansive container that helps you to explore your growth, helps to expand your thinking and helps you to transform in ways that you can't even begin to imagine. Coaching is also so powerful because it can help you to overcome your blind spots, to create so much clarity, and to be able to see your vision through. 


If you see the value of coaching and you can also relate to the early stage of Dr. Nicolya where I was Googling and YouTubing my way to success and you're done with the hoping, the wishing, the waiting, and the wondering about when your business vision is going to take off and you're ready to step into that next level version of who you know, your call to be.

I invite you to join us inside The Elevate Method. What makes this program so special and so unique is that I'm not just throwing some random strategies at you, hoping something will stick. But I'm helping to pair those strategies with subconscious mind reprogramming, with the deep somatic work connecting your mind and your body and the soul alignment so that you can build that business that's profitable, impactful, and sustainable, but in a way that you love, in a way that makes the difference.


If you're ready to build a business that you desire and deserve, I invite you to check out The Elevate Method. You're going to see all about the program, how it's so expansive and so amazing. And you won't just have to take it from me. You'll see what my clients that are inside the program have said, and I invite you to complete your application. And I look forward to seeing you on the inside.


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