Using Human Design To Free Yourself


Far too often we live our life based on other people’s expectations!

Can you relate? Living according to what other people think or tell you will always leave you feeling empty, unfulfilled, defeated and discouraged... It makes you question:

  • Is something wrong with me?

  • Why can’t I just be “normal”?

  • When will life finally make sense?

When you give yourself permission to embrace yourself it is the most freeing feeling in the world. Human design changed my life in ways I can't even put into words, and I don't mean that to sound cliche, but it's literally that transformational...but only when you live according to it.

Human design created my quantum leap...and that's available for you too. Human design gives you a detailed view of how you are designed to operate. It helps you understand your purpose and helps you to better comprehend what makes you authentic and unique. Simply put it gives you permission to come home to yourself.

Today I want to give you some advice based on your type to give you permission to be YOU fully.


What is lighting you up right now? Even if it makes no sense give yourself permission to take action on it!

Manifesting Generators

You’re allowed to be yourself and you have full blown permission to multi task this is your zone of genius


My fellow manifestors, own what you are interested in creating or initiating AND give yourself permission to work at the speed that’s aligned for you.


Embrace and fully embody the expert you are. The more you do this you will in turn become magnetic for those who want to invite you in. Also make time to rest and recharge this is how you maintain being your best!


You are constantly taking in energy daily so you are allowed to retreat when your body calls for it! Just like the airplane concept it’s important to put your mask on yourself first so that you can serve others at your highest!

All in all, you're meant to be authentic because after all this is your greatest asset! Give yourself permission to embrace that.

If you have been intrigued by human design and would love to learn more about how you can live more aligned with who you’re called to be join me for my FREE upcoming webinar Living Aligned By Design: Your future self will be so grateful you did!


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