NLP Coaching Certification


I LOVE all things mindset, but if I can be honest it wasn't always this way. In fact, for years I was convinced it was a hoax and wayyy overrated.

Until I started to learn about NLP. With that I learned that we are NOT using over 95% of our brain in a way that works in our favor. We are literally never taught how. This blew my mind and I was sold after that.

In fact, I was bitter that I hadn’t learned about it sooner and I convinced myself that once I learned about it I was going to share it with anyone who would listen. So that started my journey of wanting to dig deeper.

Are you familiar with NLP?

NLP was developed in 1970 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who believed it was possible to identify the patterns of thoughts and behaviors of successful individuals and to teach them to others.

NLP is the users manual for the mind. It essentially helps you to learn how to operate the best weapon you have…your mind. NLP is the way we use our basic language of our minds to consistently achieve the results we want in our lives. NLP uncovers how mindset or emotional states impact a person’s communication and behavior. NLP is a very practical approach to human behavior.

Neuro: Our nervous system, or our mind, which we use the world to experience through our senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory)

Linguistic: The language and other communication we use to store experience and give it meaning, including the following things we experience inside our mind (pictures, sounds, feelings, and internal dialog)

Programming: Discovering and using the programs, patterns and strategies we run in our mind making shifts to achieve our goals.

NLP uses the conscious and subconscious mind to create the reality they desire. It’s one of the most powerful topics I have ever learned about , and trust me I have learned about a lot. In fact, the more I learned the more I knew it was a crime that more people didn’t know about it.

Have you considered learning more or becoming certified?

Upon becoming certified you will be able to use all the NLP tools in order to effectively support your clients through a breakthrough/shift. You'll gain a better understanding of how the subconscious mind truly works (it controls over 95% of our activities, behavior and thoughts), and how to use it.

You will even be able to explain this model in your sleep because you will have fully embodied it!

Maybe you're new to the NLP space or you've been here for some time and you're considering taking that next step to become certified. Hats off to you. It's so exciting. Becoming certified in NLP changed not only my life, but my business as well.

But with that said, I totally understand that going through a certification program can require a significant financial as well as time investment.

It is imperative to learn as much as you can about your options when it comes to choosing an NLP certification, so you can select the best training course for you and ensure you're not investing your time and money into something that is not aligned.

Becoming a coach is such a great accomplishment, but can quickly become overwhelming if you’re comparing yourself to other coaches in the sea. Having that extra skill of becoming an NLP Practitioner will quickly help you to stand out. When you are an NLP Practitioner, you know how to create change for your clients on a deep subconscious level. Change that goes deeper, lasts longer and happens faster.

There are so many ways to learn about NLP whether through books, conferences, but becoming certified allows you to take your expertise and knowledge to the next level.

Becoming certified in NLP can have a huge impact on your professional and personal life. Whether its because you want to explore coaching to further develop your ability to help others, or a desire for a sense of purpose, becoming a coach changes you and your relationships for the better. Many people love coaching and decide to take it a step further by becoming certified as well. Choosing to become certified as a coach is very honorable step yet it can be overwhelming.

Becoming certified in NLP is so life changing because it helps with so many things such as

  • Overcoming limiting beliefs.

  • It helps you to connect with your purpose, values and motivation.

  • Increasing self-confidence.

  • Managing difficult people.

  • Improving communication.

  • Learning how to model excellence.

  • Ask great questions.

  • Helping improve fears, phobias and anxiety.

  • Strengthening leadership capabilities.

  • Developing new strategies for problem solving.

  • Dealing with pain & allergies.

  • It strengthens your resilience.

  • Supports you with setting your Direction, Outcomes and Goals.

  • Presentation and speaking techniques.

  • Productivity.

  • Improve your magnetism and influence.

  • Heavy or overwhelming emotions.

  • Helping you master your mindset and in turn master your life.

  • And so much more-the list is truly endless.

When you become certified as an NLP Practitioner you have so many options of which you can decide what route feels best.

  • Coach (Success coach, wellness coach, mindset coach, life coach)- When you become certified NLP you get a comprehensive tool belt, which essentially means that can work with people for nearly anything that might be bothering them. Plus NLP has been so popular as of lately so there are currently clients looking specifically to work with an NLP coach.

  • Motivational Speaker / Spiritual Leader- Did you know that Tony Robbins is trained in NLP! he is one of the most raved about speakers and he is essentially leveraging the very skill your inquiring about. This shows you the extensive possibilities that exist.

  • Writer/Author-With the wealth of knowledge you’ll have after being certified, there’s plenty of material for you to write your own book and a good book at that. In addition, becoming a published author will also increase your credibility and authority in the field

  • Expert Consultant/ Advisor- You can take the knowledge you learn and leverage it in the corporate space helping to train and advise their staff. If you have specific knowledge from any previous field (marketing, government, technology, education, nursing etc.) you’ve worked in you can leverage that to make even more money as a consultant.

  • Trainer- With NLP you will learn how to have impactful communication therefore training will become second nature. Not to mention the further up the NLP ladder you go you will learn how to anchor trainers/speakers state and in turn be able to tune into it to natural magnetize and engage your audience.

    ***You could also choose to do a combination of the above. I currently speak, train, coach and write books. This blend of opportunities has felt so invigorating to me.

As you can see, there are many possibilities to make a lucrative living in the field of NLP. And not to mention if you decide to take NLP and use it in your own business you have some amazing benefits that include;

Here are the steps you can take to step into that next level version of who you’re designed to be

  1. Start learning about NLP through free resources. This could include podcasts, blogs, videos, courses etc. When you decide to take the next step and become certified NLP becomes who you are, not just something you do or something you know. If you’re reading this you likely have already familiarized yourself with NLP, which is great. I truly enjoy learning, in fact many of my friends would tell you that I am a nerd. Hey I embrace it haha.

    While I love YouTube and Google it’s important to note that it’s never a substitute for the real thing. Online there is accurate information and some inaccurate information and it can hard to cut through the noise, this is where becoming certified comes in. Through a certification company you can see that they have not only high standards, but also rigor around the materials they are teaching. This helps to ensure you’re learning the right information.

  2. Find a company that aligns with your vision and get your certification. It seems like now a days there are certification programs popping up every other second, and for most people that can be overwhelming to decide which one is right. Don’t worry I got you boo. You can use this post to help you determine which coaching certification program is most aligned with your vision.

  3. Create your ripple effect. While being certified through The ELEVATE Method you will learn about sessions you can sell while being certified, I have even had clients make back their investment doing this! After you graduate you can take it to the next level and create your signature coaching offer and you will learn exactly how to do that. The point is don’t sleep on your genius. Your dream is so much bigger than you. someone somewhere is waiting on you to do what you’re called to do. So don’t sit on the vision too long because you’re not only selling yourself short, but the entire world as well.

  4. Keep sharing and promoting yourself. The retainment of learning is the highest when you teach. So I always challenge my clients to teach what they learn and live what you learn. This is what I mean when I say NLP becomes a part of who you are. I absolutely love sharing in fact it’s a part of my daily actions in my business. You can check out my instagram HERE to see what i share. Make sure you say “hey” when you come on over too.

    Here’s the thing when you share and do it from a place of passion it won’t feel salesy or sleezy. In fact, you will find that people deeply desire to be in your energy and learn more. Not to mention it gives you a platform to share your genius with the world and allow other people to learn about the amazing tools that can also transform their life.

    The best part is now when you show up you will show up different. One of the worst ways to approach this your success is to mirror and match what others are doing. Learning NLP will give you a tool you can use to stand out amongst the masses.

With NLP it's the realization that our words do not describe the world we live in, but rather they determine or even dictate it. Which essentially confirms that NLP doesn’t stop with the mind. When you change your thoughts, you can change everything, including the body and you change your reality.

Becoming certified in NLP can have a massive impact on your professional and personal life. Whether its because you want to explore coaching to further develop your ability to help others, or a desire for a sense of purpose, becoming certified will change your life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. 

Yes – if you're curious about exploring communication and influence, and genuinely want to improve your life, and if you are prepared to put in the work to do so. NLP an extremely effective tool to both learn and leverage. This is why I am such an advocate for becoming certified in NLP.

Upon becoming certified you will be able to both personally and professionally use NLP to help facilitate change that goes deeper, lasts longer and happens faster.

The root of all success starts with the seed of desire. And your desires chose YOU #intentionally. It’s time to stop playing small, hiding & making excuses. You’re here to facilitate massive transformation. And the world is ready for you! It’s your time ! And I’m here to show you the way…..

If you are committed to becoming certified join us inside of The ELEVATE Method Coaching Certification Program This is an un-paralled coaching certification program that will give you the tools to sell out and stand out as a coach. Not only will you learn about NLP and the power of your mind you will embody it. Through The ELEVATE Method Coaching Certification Program you will become certified in 7 different modalities allowing you to take your coaching business to that next level. With the ELEVATE Method you will discover how you can create a path to success in life and business. So, what are you waiting for?


Check out the details here:


Mindset Coaching


What are the levels of consciousness?