How to make money using your human design

Human Design is a system that helps individuals understand their unique energy and how they can best navigate the world around them. Each person has a specific Human Design type that can offer insights into how they approach money and finances.

Human Design is a system that can help individuals understand their unique strengths and tendencies, including how they can create abundance and attract money into their lives.

Here are some ways that Human Design can help with money abundance:

Understanding your energy type: Each Human Design energy type has a unique way of interacting with the world and making decisions. By understanding your type, you can learn how to make choices that align with your natural tendencies and create more abundance in your life. For example, Manifestors are designed to initiate and take action, while Generators are designed to respond to opportunities that come their way

  1. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses: Human Design can help you identify your unique strengths and weaknesses, which can be used to create more abundance in your life. For example, if you have a lot of energy in your Sacral Center, you may be well-suited for work that requires physical activity and stamina. On the other hand, if you have an undefined Emotional Center, you may need to be careful not to make impulsive decisions based on your emotions

  2. Aligning with your purpose: Human Design can help you understand your life purpose and how to align your work and activities with that purpose. When you are aligned with your purpose, you are more likely to experience abundance and fulfillment in your life. For example, if your Human Design chart shows that you are meant to be a teacher or guide, you may find that you are more successful and fulfilled when you are helping others

  3. Clearing blocks and limiting beliefs: Human Design can also help you identify any blocks or limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from experiencing abundance. For example, if you have a defined Head Center, you may be prone to overthinking and worrying, which can block abundance from flowing into your life. By becoming aware of these patterns, you can work to clear them and create space for abundance to flow in

Overall, Human Design can be a powerful tool for creating more abundance and attracting money into your life.

Here's a brief overview of each type and their relationship with money:


Manifestors are natural initiators who are designed to make things happen. They tend to have a strong sense of self and can be independent and self-sufficient. When it comes to money, Manifestors may prefer to work for themselves or have a career that allows them to be in control of their finances. They may also be comfortable taking financial risks if they believe it will lead to greater independence or freedom.

Manifestors can leverage their ability to take action and make things happen to create opportunities for themselves. Some ways Manifestors can make money include:

Starting their own business or venture

Pursuing a career in a field that allows them to be in control of their finances, such as entrepreneurship, sales, or freelancing

Investing in stocks or other ventures that align with their interests and passions

Tips for my fellow manifestors: Avoid saying “yes” to too many things and avoid people pleasing. You are intentionally here to make waves and to do things your own way. Follow your inner creative flow and do not force yourself to push through just because it’s what everyone else is doing. Trust yourself and just take BOLD action, but be sure to let the people who will be affected know what you’re doing. This will make room for you to connect with your true abundance.

Generator Types

Generators are designed to respond to the world around them and have a strong life force energy. They tend to be hard-working and thrive when they are engaged in work they enjoy. When it comes to money, Generators may prefer a steady income and may be drawn to careers that provide stability and security. They may also be cautious with their finances and prefer to save for the future.

Generators can leverage their ability to work hard and stay focused to create abundance in their lives. Some ways Generators can make money include:

Pursuing a career in a field they enjoy and are passionate about

Starting a side hustle or business that aligns with their interests and talents

Investing in education or training that can help them develop new skills and increase their earning potential

Tips for Generator types: You have so much energy and the good news is it’s consistent. With this you have likely been presented with tons of ideas, and maybe you said yes to them all especially if you had the energy. While you may have had the energy that does not mean it was aligned. This is your reminder to say “yes” to the things that light you up and have fun while doing it.


Projectors are natural guides and advisors who are designed to see the big picture. They tend to be intuitive and perceptive and may have a talent for understanding other people's needs. When it comes to money, Projectors may prefer to work in a field that allows them to use their intuition and insights to help others. They may also be drawn to careers that offer flexibility and the ability to work on their own terms.

Projectors can leverage their ability to see the potential in others and offer guidance to create opportunities for themselves. Some ways Projectors can make money include:

Pursuing a career in a field that allows them to use their intuition and insights to help others, such as coaching, consulting, or mentoring

Starting a blog or podcast where they share their knowledge and expertise

Collaborating with others to create joint ventures or partnerships that leverage their unique skills and talents

Tips for you as a projector: Follow your bliss, make rest a priority and tune into your self value. You may be programmed to “hustle”, the truth is you’re not meant to even if it’s something you love. While you wait for invitations spend your time enjoying things you love, and strengthen your skills. When you focus on this the right invitations will be magnetized to you. Which in turn brings the most aligned abundance.


Reflectors are rare and unique individuals who are designed to reflect the energy of the world around them. They tend to be sensitive and intuitive and may have a talent for understanding the collective energy of a group or community. When it comes to money, Reflectors may prefer a career that allows them to work in a supportive role or to contribute to the greater good. They may also be drawn to careers that allow them to work with a variety of people and to be part of a larger community.

Reflectors can leverage their ability to see things from a different perspective and offer insights to create opportunities for themselves. Some ways Reflectors can make money include:

Pursuing a career in a field that allows them to work with a variety of people and contribute to the greater good, such as social work, non-profit work, or community organizing

Starting a blog or podcast where they share their unique perspective on the world

Collaborating with others to create projects or ventures that reflect their values and beliefs

Tips for you as a reflector be sure you spend time with the right community. Like projectors there is a waiting game yours just happens to be a little more predictable. During your waiting time (the lunar cycle) spend time journaling and you will begin to notice patterns. Also be intentional to seek out joy and ease and be ready to be surprised by the abundance that is attracted to you.

In conclusion, each Human Design type has its unique approach to money and finances. Understanding your Human Design type can help you make more informed decisions about your career and financial goals. By aligning your energy with your financial aspirations, you can create a more fulfilling and abundant life.

If you desire to learn more about your human design and what it means for you, join my upcoming Living Aligned By Design Masterclass HERE!


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