How to avoid creative block

As a coach who works with coaches as well as authors, I totally understand running into a content creation block. Whether it's you creating a post online, creating a course, writing a book, the idea of constantly having to produce content without burning out, without exhausting yourself, without overthinking, without wondering if what you're creating as well is something that we all run into.

Today, what I want to do is I want to share six simple strategies that are going to support you at moving past creators block so that you can create content that converts and engages your audience in new and expensive ways.

1.The first strategy is to create consistently

One of the biggest mistakes that I find that my clients make is that they'll create one day and then they won't create for several months or they'll create in a spurt and they'll create for a week and then they'll fall off.

I personally ran into this just about six months ago when I took six weeks off after surgery. Trying to pick back up after that down tine was really hard. Now don't get me wrong, the break was much needed, but it was definitely hard to build that momentum back up. So what I always suggest to my clients, is to make creating content a part of your routine. This makes it a habit. Our brain has what we call neuropathways and the more we travel these different pathways, the easier they are to be accessed.

When we create a routine, when we create that consistency, it's easy for our body to fall in line with it. So one of the things that I do that support me as being consistent with creating is I PLAN my schedule each week to ensure I have room for both rest and for creating. I have also found a place that allows me to be really focused and clear minded, to be able to create this allows me to get into the routine and the habit of making consistency easy and allows me to create in my peak state.

2. The second strategy is to talk to your audience.

Do not ever assume that just because you have a great idea that you should run with it. If you are not sure that that's actually what your audience is seeking take time to get their feedback and gain some awareness. Let's say, for example, you're a divorce coach and you're teaching people how to heal after divorce and you create an entire course about that. But what people are really looking for is how to hire the right lawyer after divorce or whatever it may be. Now you're essentially climbing the ladder against the wrong wall.

So what you want to do is you want to open up conversation with your audience. Ask them what is it that they're seeking, what is it that they want to learn, ask them what has worked, and what hasn’t? And what transformation are they seeking? When you talk to your audience, this actually helps to inform your creating. So this helps to make sure that you're not creating in vain, but that you're creating content that is actually going to resonate with your tribe.

3. The third strategy is to be open to inspiration.

The truth is, inspiration can come from anywhere. But a big mistake that we make is that we spend so much time looking for inspiration that we actually overlook it, if that makes sense. One of the things that I have learned that has really helped me get my wheels spinning is when I move my body, I get inspired. It seems like all of these intuitive nudges and all of these intuitive ideas start here.

I also find that I get crazy ideas in the shower. I had a client who told me the same thing. I thought that was so neat.

When I say the inspiration can come from anywhere, I truly mean that. So let me ask you, are you open to receiving that inspiration? And if you're not, how can you make room to be open to it so that you can hear when things are dropped into your spirit, when things come about, when these coincidences happen to really give you that inspiration that you need to start creating.

4. The next strategy is to take a break.

Now I know this likely contradicts everything you have ever been taught.

We often feel like we have to work hard, hustle, and that's the only way that we can succeed. I will tell you that hustle and hard work will get you some of the way, but it’s certainly not sustainable. It'll definitely burn you out. It also can be hard to maintain that momentum and then you may begin to feel lazy or defeated when you can’t keep up. After learning this the hard way, one of the things that I have now given myself permission to do that has been a total game changer for me, is to take a break.

I never forced myself to create content if I'm feeling a major block, I don't force myself to create content just to check a proverbial box. I create content in a way that feels aligned because I believe the energy I carry when I create it is also the energy that my audience is going to receive when they also are looking at my content.

Now, I'd like to clarify this concept of taking a break. That doesn't mean that you don't work for an entire year and you're like, okay, there's my break, right? It really is all about that balance.

Your break could be something as simple as using the pomodoro technique. If you're not familiar with that, it's an amazing concept. It's also known as the tomato technique, but it's an amazing concept that you work for about 25 minutes, you take a five minute break, you work for 25 minutes, and you take a five minute break. The premise is that our brain cannot focus for an extended period of time therefore when you're giving yourself those breaks, you're actually coming back more refreshed, more renewed, restored, and ready to take action and ready to create.

That's just one strategy. A strategy I personally use is taking off one day each week. My down days are Sundays, and I do nothing on Sunday. I don't get on social media. I do not create. I do not run errands, I do not cook, I do not clean. I give myself full permission to just be.

It’s been so eye opening to see all of the intuitive ideas that have come, because I have given myself permission to be still.

The truth is we make time for some many other things, our self care and well being should be at the top of that list. So what you want to do is you want to consider how you can build breaks into your schedule so that when you have that break again, you're ready to take action with a renewed sense of excitement, and you're ready to share your genius with the world.

5. The fifth strategy is to stop buying into the idea or the belief that things have to be perfect.

If you allow yourself to believe that things have to be perfect before you put yourself out there, that is a surefire strategy to throw in that proverbial towel before you ever even begin and to self sabotage. Here's the thing. If you're waiting for all your T’s to be crossed, all your I’s to be dotted, you could be waiting for the rest of your life. There's no guarantee that if you continue to wait for it to be perfect, that things will ever get there.

So put your genius out into the world. There's someone somewhere waiting on you to do what you are called to do. So when you play small, when you allow limiting beliefs to take over your life, you're not only selling yourself short, but you're selling the entire world short. So when you find yourself buying into the belief that things have to be perfect, give yourself that gentle reminder that they do not.

6. Watch what you take in- What you take in will impact what you put out

I got a question this morning about how I am able to consistently create and put out content, and honestly this is exactly what inspired this blog post. While I could give you a million different strategies the game changer for me was truly watching what I consume. What you take in will reflect what you put out. This means when you're watching low vibe shows, listening to low vibe music and surrounding yourself with negative people your output, or lack thereof, will reflect that. But with the same token when you change what you're consuming you will change what you put out!

When I am creation mode, I listen to encouraging podcasts, I love to mastermind with like minded people, I consult with my coach and I love reading. Combined I have come to learn that these things inform my creating.

So considering that, what are you watching? What are you listening to? And who are you around? And how do you think that's impacting your content?

If you realize these things need to change, that’s wonderful because you have the power to make it happen. Trust that when you do, it will change your results.

All in all, creating and the process of creation does not have to be complex. But unfortunately, we over complicate the process when it's not necessary. We can make it fun, we can make it exciting, we can make it expansive, and we can make it in a way that it changes the lives of the people with whom we work with. So if you have been looking for a sign- let this be it. This is your official called to stop playing small and go out there and share your genius with the world. Like I mentioned before, there's someone somewhere waiting on you to do what you're called to do. It's time to go after it.

If you're looking for some strategies to make content creation seamless check out my repurpose and relax workshop here:

This will not only save you time and energy, but it will help you create content that magnetizes dream clients right to you. Do not miss it!


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