Let's Improve Our Gratitude!

 This month is my birthday month. As I reflect on all of the years I have had alive on this earth I am grateful to God for each and every one of them. I have had a lot of time to reflect and one thing that was heavy in my spirit is that many people do not take enough time to focus on what they're grateful for. So this month I am going to walk through the importance of gratitude with you.  Today I want to discuss three tremendous ways gratitude can change your life.
It is amazing how one, simple affirmative action can change so much in someone's life. One simple statement of thankfulness can change your entire life around. Practicing gratitude can have an impact on every aspect of your life. Here are three tremendous ways incorporating gratitude into your life can change it for the better.
It Can Get You Out of a Foul Mood
Rather than getting mad at someone, show gratitude for them instead. This isn't always going to be easy to do because it is a significant switch of attitudes. If someone makes you mad, rather than getting angry at them, focus instead on those things that make you grateful. Doing this can slowly change your mood. Showing your gratitude toward someone rather than anger will not only improve your mood, but it can change your relationship and make things better.   
It Can Transform Your Relationship
While it is always important to talk out your problems with others, criticizing them all the time will quickly deteriorate your relationship. Instead, when you find yourself feeling the urge to criticize them, stop and take a deep breath, and calm down. Start to think about all the reasons you are grateful for that specific person, then share your gratitude with them as soon as possible. Showing your gratitude will help to make your relationship stronger. 
It Can Help You Better Deal with Tragedy
When you suffer a tragedy, try to be grateful for the life that you still have. Facing disasters in your life can be crippling if you let them overcome you. While you still want to grieve, you can also take away something even more significant from the tragedy, the gratitude for the life you still have. Love for the people you still have in your life, and appreciation for the fleeting beauty of life. Take the opportunity to show appreciation for those in your life and enjoy your life while you can. 
In what manner can you incorporate gratitude into your life today?

With Love,

Dr. Nicolya


You Need A Gratitude Journal NOW!


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