EFT Tapping on Anxiety Around Money

Have you ever struggled with the concept or idea around abundance and manifestation? I know for a long time I did and I felt like abundance was a made-up term - manifestation worked for everyone else except for me. If that's something you can relate to, I just want to hold so much space for you and let you know that you're in the right place. Because, today, what we're going to do is we're going to walk through one of my all-time favorite modalities called EFT, emotional freedom techniques. Essentially what we're going to do is we are going to tap out the negative energy you have around that belief.

In doing that, you're going to be able to come to see that the abundance you desire and deserve, you're worthy of it and it's a lot closer than it appears. I want you to take a deep grounding breath. I'm going to ask you to breathe in for 5 seconds and breathe out for 5 seconds. I want you to get in touch with how your body is feeling around money.


Maybe you're feeling like it's hard to come by, maybe you're feeling like you're undeserving, or maybe you're feeling like you have to work or hustle or anything like that. But I want you to just get in touch with how your body is feeling and I don't want you to judge that feeling. I just want you to notice it. Then, on a scale of 0 to 10, I want you to rate yourself with 0 if you’re like, "Oh yeah, I feel wonderful around my money." And 10 if you're like, "You know what? It feels really hard and I have a ton of resistance around it."

I want you to rate yourself because what you're going to notice is you're going to notice that number continues to go down as we move through this tapping session. I'm super pumped and excited.

Take one more deep grounding breath, breathing in for 5 and breathing out for 5 and we can get started. 

We'll start right here with a setup point. We'll just tap and read the script below (or watch along with this video).

Set Up Point - Part of Me is Resisting More Money:


I have normalized the struggle around money.

I don't feel like I can keep it.

It seems easier for everyone else.

even though I feel resistance around money.

It feels hard to earn and attract money.

More money feels out of my reach.

I do not feel like an abundant person.

I feel unworthy of more money.


I don't feel like I have the skills or potential to earn more money.

I don’t know enough to earn more money.

It seems like it's easier for everyone else to earn more.

It's impossible to earn money without working hard or hustling.

I feel like I have to force money to earn money.

I feel desperate to earn money.

I feel pathetic living like this.

I often spend too much on things that don't matter.


I play small when it comes to money.

I find it hard to believe I can have the money I want.

I often reject receiving.

I don't believe money is on its way.

I don't believe I can maintain earning more money.

It never feels like there is enough money.

I am feeling fear and anxiety about more money.

I feel judged or guilty for wanting more.

I feel like I never can keep my money.

Take that deep grounding breath, breathing in for 5 and breathing out for 5.

I want you to go ahead and get in touch with your body. I want you to notice where you rate on that same rating scale from 0 to 10. 0 being like “I feel really good about money,” and 10 being like, “I notice a lot of resistance and I feel that in my body." What you'll notice is that your number should have truly decreased as we continued to address that energy that we felt in our bodies.

Think about water. When we think of water going downstream, it has to move because still water becomes stale, becomes toxic, and it's the same thing in our bodies. When we're holding on to negative energy around a certain belief, it becomes stale, it becomes stagnant, it becomes toxic. And we don't want that. What we're getting ready to do now is that we're going to go ahead and we're going to tap in the positive suggestions, helping you to feel lit up, helping you to feel aligned, and helping you to move forward, seeing that you are truly worthy of the abundance that you desire and deserve.


Let's get started. 

Positive Suggestions


There is always money on the way.

I am a money magnet.

I am worthy of having more money.

Money loves me and I love money.

I am worthy of abundance.

I normalize abundance.

Money is constantly flowing my way.

I feel safe and secure about money.



I make money in unexpected ways.

I find money in unexpected places.

It’s easy for me to hold money.

I am wealthy and worthy of wealth.

Money is always on the way to me.

Having money isn't something bad.

Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

I am beyond worthy of the money I desire and deserve.

Take that deep grounding breath. Breathing in for 5, out for 5.

I know that you're feeling amazing. I trust that you see your worth as it relates to money. And if you need to, feel free to come back and use this script (or watch this video) whenever you're wanting to get in touch with your worthiness and the abundance that you desire and deserve. Now, the key to manifestation is to take aligned action. If you're feeling aligned with the abundance that you desire to call into your life, I have two 2 steps for you that will be amazing.

The first thing is I have a workshop called Passive Profits. In Passive Profits, I walk you through the process of taking your passion and turning it into a profitable offer that you can make money on passively. It changes the game and how you get to receive money. No longer do you have to hustle and hard work to be able to call in money, but you can make money passively. And I show you the exact route to make that happen.

The second thing that I have for you is I have an EFT Tapping Into Abundance bundle. This is where we do work similarly to this for 3 days straight. We tap into an amazing amount of abundance so that you can normalize and call them that abundance that you desire and deserve. Plus you get in an amazing abundance attraction journal as well!

I trust that today was absolutely amazing. I'm so excited to see what you'll get to create moving forward and I'm so grateful that we're connected and that you join me today. Have a beautiful day!


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