How to Avoid Overwhelm as a Coach

Do you have so much on your plate that you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed?

Do you sometimes feel you’ll never get through your list of priorities?

When first beginning your business you are often pulled into a lot of different directions like having to create a website, posting online content, creating graphics, going live, sending emails etc. Needless to say it’s easy to become overwhelmed.

Let’s discuss how to avoid overwhelm as a coach.

Look at What’s Working and What’s Not

When you look at your business you have some activities that are working and some that aren’t. Sometimes it can be tempting to keep doing certain activities because it feels like it should work or it seems to be working for other people. If something is not working do not waste time doing it. Just because so and so is doing blogging doesn’t mean blogging is what works for your audience.

If on the flip side you have found that your audience engages with your story posts on Instagram or your Clubhouse weekly chats keep going. Only spend your time on the activities that you know generate money for you. In order to know this that time to reflect each week about what worked for you business. You can do this by looking at analytics and also looking to see where you got the most engagement or connection from your audience. This reflection process while tedious will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run.

Stop Comparing Your Business to Other People

In today’s day and age with social media being all the rage, it’s easy to be pulled in a lot of different directions. You see this coach you admire podcasting, doing a YouTube channel, blogging etc. And now, all the sudden, you feel like you have to do all the things too. What you don’t see is what’s behind the scenes. Every coach/influencer/consultant you see started somewhere. Then from there they built themselves up and their business as well. So determine where you can start snd put your energy there. Before you know it you will be able to add new things on because you will have the right time to support you.


The biggest mistake you can make in business is to believe you have to do all the things. When I began my business, to save money, I did my own website! It took me 2 weeks and it was a total flop! I eventually went on to hire someone and this taught me my greatest lesson. You are not saving money when you are wasting time! Do not be afraid to ask for support. In fact, when you do it can change the trajectory of your business.


For me, automation change the game! For example, I would often schedule appointments by going back and forth with my clients. When I downloaded Acuity scheduling, I now get to send them a link to sign up. It takes away the back and forth and takes things off your plate. When you begin to automate parts of your business you free up your time for things that can’t be automated

If you’re looking for more support more tools and more strategies on your journey to being able to increase your income and your impact as a coach I have just a thing for you. In my Get Your Next Paying Client Now Bundle, you will learn how to increase your magnetism and your success without the overwhelm with much fun. Use the link below to get access and I look forward to connecting with you there:


3 Ways to Repurpose Your Content to Attract More Clients         


How to Save Time on Content Creation