EFT Tapping Script For Overthinking


EFT aka known as Emotional Freedom Technique is a transformative modality. EFT allows you to powerfully manage your energy, and create a higher vibration in your life, using the power of energy tapping. The best part is this tool and modality creates quick shifts! No lie I tap every single day and it’s been life changing! 

EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots to restore balance to your body's energy. Scientific research shows that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

If you're new to tapping or are an experienced user I have created a tapping script you can use to address overthinking.This tapping script is a list of phrases with the attempt to cover all the possible aspects that may be triggering your overthinking. All you have to do is tap along with the script to work through it.Before beginning take a few deep breathes to ground yourself before the session and thoroughly review the tapping points.Here are the tapping points:SU - SET UP POINT OR SIDE OF THE HAND • SE - SIDE OF EYE • UE - UNDER EYE • UN - UNDER NOSE • CH - CHIN • CB - COLLARBONE • UA - UNDER ARM • TH - TOP OF HEAD

Rating Scale on 0-10 (with 10 being the worse) goal is to get to zero. Please note that with EFT we have to tap on the negative first until the negative issue is down to about 3 or below on the a scale of 1 to 10, before you bring in any positive statements or reframes.

Tapping out the negative


This overthinking, this overthinking, and even though I keep overthinking, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel like I can't stop overthinking I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I hate this uncertainty I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though my mind is getting bombarded with all of the things that could go wrong I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I can stop the bad thoughts I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though it feels like I can’t control my mind I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though all results look grim I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though this worry is exhausting me I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though this worry is frustrating me I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Round Two

Even though there are things that I can think of right away that could prevent me from having a great day, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though this overthinking is affecting me physically I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though this overthinking is affecting me mentally I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though thinking positive seems impossible I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though I have normalized overthinking I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though it feels as I will never be able to get in control of my thinking I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though trying to think positive feels forced I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though my thoughts overwhelm me I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I want to let go of these thoughts, but I have no clue how I deeply and completely love and accept myself


Round Three

I choose to feel safe no matter what is going on in my life

I am quieting my mind

I choose to do what feels good

I release the need to have a specific outcome

Or know the outcome, I make room for good things to come my way

I focus on thoughts that serve meI’m allowing myself to be pleasantly surprised.

I am choosing empowering thoughts and beliefs

Round Four

I am trusting the process

I am trusting myself

I choose to feel grateful and content

I choose to be compassionate towards myself

I trust that all things are working out for my good

I’m feeling calm and confident

I am making room for total peace of mind

I feel totally relieved

Today, I choose to align with my highest good and happiness.

Take a deep breathe and come back to the here and now!

While scripts are convenient there may be some statements that you do not relate to. In order to get the greatest benefit feel free to replace it with what your body is telling you.Inside of my ELEVATE certification program, I support you with becoming certified in NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques, Life and Success Coaching, Hypnotherapy.

If you desire to learn more about the ELEVATE method certification program and how it can work for you grab your FREE behind the scenes pass here: https://www.nicolyawilliams.com/experience-elevate


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