The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is more powerful than you can imagine. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories
When I learned about the power of my mind my entire life changed and this is why I am so passionate to teach others all about it as well.
The top 5 facts that you must know to begin to uncover the power of your mind are:
  1. Your mind takes everything personally. Meaning what you say and think about other people is what your subconscious mind is adopting to be true about you. For example if you believe wealthy people are greedy or bad it will be difficult for you to call in wealth !
  2. Doesn’t register negatives - this is so important because when you’re talking you HAVE to watch what you say. For example if you affirm “I have no debt” all your subconscious registered was debt and remember what it holds is what it’s drawn towards! This is why when I say affirmations I always say them in a positive sense!
  3. Your subconscious mind will literally be drawn towards whatever it is that you hold. Meaning what you think about the most is what your mind will move towards. This happens to us daily but when you learn this to be the case you can shift your thoughts and literally shift your results.
  4. Your subconscious mind is always working even when you’re not. For example as I am typing this my mind is reminding me to breath (thank God). The great part about this is if you program your mind for your success give your mind the right thing to focus on and it will take action in alignment with that.
  5. Doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination. This is why visualization is soooo powerful. When you write the vision and make it plan your subconscious mind looks for ways to make it your reality.
These are all great things that can work in your favor but most people do not access their control.
Getting closer to the hidden part of your mind isn't dangerous. In fact, living with a greater awareness of your subconscious mind is the healthiest thing you can do.
If you want to not only understand your mind but learn how to leverage it join us for my free experience ELEVATE event
Here I will teach some of my most favorite and life changing tools- including anchoring, tapping and hypnosis etc.
You essentially will get a behind the scenes view and sample of my life changing coaching certification program
These tools will help you to align your mind with your success and stand out as a highly sought after coach!
Trust me when I say do not miss this!

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