The Best Way to Scale Your Business

Making sales and impacting people is great, but a question many coaches have is how they can continue to expand their reach and revenue. In today's article, I will share three tips that have changed the game for me in my business and the tips I wish someone had shared with me!

  1. Focus on what works for you. It’s easy to get consumed with one size fits all strategies and this is a sure fire to way to fail. The best thing you have going for you is your authenticity - no one else is you and that’s your greatest asset. So determine how you can leverage this to stand out as a coach ! Also know it’s important to take the advice from coaches, experts, and gurus, and find a way to implement it while making it your own.

  2. Focus on new sales AND current clients. I see this far too often- that coaches are trying to focus on how they can bring in new leads . The truth is when you put all your attention there you miss the impact you could be having on your current audience. The easiest low hanging fruit sales are people who already know, like, and trust you. Prior to writing this post I did some brief research and found these two shocking facts- Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95% . So determine how you expand your next steps with your clients instead of trying to rush to find the next new client !

  3. Do NOT do it all yourself. I was fully guilty of this. I used to feel like if I wasn’t doing it myself it wasn’t going to be done right. The problem is when you’re doing all the things you have very little time and energy to do the things you need to do right. To run a successful business you can’t be the CEO, the janitor, the secretary snd the clerk. In fact have you ever been to a McDonald’s with only one employee? If it you did - it would feel wayyy off. Doesn’t your business deserve at least that?

Look back at the 3 tips I shared and choose the one that is currently affecting you the most, and take a step in the direction to shift it, your future self will truly thank you for it.

If you desire more support on this journey to building a profitable and impactful business from your passion join us for my FREE EXPERIENCE ELEVATE which is a behind the scenes view of my certification program.

This certification is truly unparalleled because you are given proven coaching tools combined with modalities such as NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques, Hypnotherapy which allows change to happen faster, go deeper and actually LAST!

Along with that you’re getting the certification, the community and the coaching to change your life and to be able to STAND OUT as a highly sought after coach.

Join us here to get a FREE behind the scenes view to see how this program can change your life and the lives of who you touch.


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