The Difference Between Human Design and Standard Personality Tests

Human Design is a self-empowerment system which awakens you to better understanding who you are. It gives you a tremendous depth of information about yourself. A question I get often is what is the difference between a standard personality test and human design.

I like to say that if you’re looking at an iceberg the personality tests are the tip and human design is below the surface. Simply put human design is deeeeeep. It acknowledges behavior, traits, but more importantly HOW a person is wired and it deals with energy and HOW you’re designed to operate and move through life. It gives you more actionable steps and solutions to challenges you are facing.

Human design is your unique genetic makeup and how you’re designed to operate in the world. Human Design shows you where and how to access your body's consciousness as a decision-making tool, and ultimately, how to live as your true self.

A personality test is a method of assessing human personality constructs. These tests usually help you to measure how well you will perform based on your interpersonal skills, the motivation and the role that you can excel in due to your behavioral traits. Personality tests deal with behavior, traits, and mental processes. Also personality tests can shift and change over time as you change and grow.

Human design is a fixed system meaning it is not changing as you grow and change. Human design is a mix of several disciplines including the Kabbalah, quantum physics, the I Ching, the chakra system, and astrology. Human design explains our energetic aura that we're born with. It helps us not only better understand who we are but to also embrace it. As with personality tests the results come from the questions we are asked and can fluctuate depending on your mood that day. Human design results come from a fixed source which is your birth information not just you answering a series of questions.

Human design is a comprehensive picture of who you are and will change the way you show up!!!

If you're ready to come home to yourself and live life more intentionally and aligned- sign up for my FREE workshop on living aligned by design.

Can't wait to see ya there!


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