Rest As It Relates To Your Human Design

Just as we  should be ourselves in our daily life  and awake state our sleeping patterns play a big part in this as well. While sleeping, we receive insights and programming for the next day. This is why understanding your human design is so powerful because it helps you understand all aspects of your life, but more importantly how to align with it.

First let's define what human design is . It is a logical system that brings together principles of the IChing, astrology, Kabbalah, Chakra system and quantum physics. It’s an amazing concept to understand because it’s much like being given a user’s manual to your life that helps you to navigate a perfectly aligned life. When you come to unlock and understand your human design it has the potential to awaken your innate wisdom and power. For me human design gave me permission to embrace myself FULLY!

When you look at a chart you’ll likely be confused and overwhelmed, which is why a Human Design Reading is your best option –  but today, let’s focus on your Energy Type and how that relates to your sleep needs. Think about it like this. When we are first born we are assigned a gender. While this is part of who we are its just the beginning. We then have other things that describe us (our height, our weight, our hair or skin color etc.)

The Human Design System says that if we live in alignment with our design- life will flow easily and effortlessly. You will attract the right people, opportunities and experiences will be magnetized in your direction.

So a big part of life is taking care of yourself and rest is an important component of that. So let's talk about what each individual type needs

Rest Strategies for Manifestors

As a manifestor you will notice you have the ability to initiate new and creative things. This is your strategy. The trouble is many times when we want to initiate we feel like we often need to take action in alignmnet wit that as well. The truth is you're not designed to work and work and work in the traditional sense that society tells us. Manifestors aren’t here to do all the work, although they might feel like they need to. As a manifestor you aren’t designed to wear yourself out with work this is why delegating is going to be your best tool. Give yourself permission to lead, inform and have ideas and then leave it to someone else who is passionate about your idea to take over.

It's challenging as a manifestor to know when enough is enough therefore many go to sleep exhausted which is the exact opposite of what you need to be doing! So my advice to you is to STOP before you're tired and be willing to delegate knowing this allows you to stay in your zone of genius.

Sleep for Generators

You have a ton of energy which is amazing, but much to many peoples surprise you need rest too. If you notice you're feeling exhausted lately take a moment to consider what you're responding to in your environment that is not lighting you up. You may feel drawn to a lot of things, but it's important you only expend your energy on the right things. When you're focused on the right thing you have full blown permission to work until exhausted then rest.  Also as a generator when you respect your life force, your energy re-generates!

Rest for Manifesting Generators

You are an awesome blend between manifestors and generators. Like Generators, you will notice you have a lot of energy, but instead of having the consistent energy, your energy comes in waves. Most manifesting generators like the high of expending energy and therefore it can be hard to know when your body is asking you to slow down. I advise you to create a wind down routine for yourself. You need to go to bed with something to do – podcast, book etc .This prevents you from having to do a sudden shift of expending energy to shutting down. This gives you a way to adjust which will feel in alignment with who you are.

Rest for Projectors

As a projector, there is often a lot of guilt around resting because society leads us all to believe that you have to constantly be taking action and working. So many projectors feel guilty when they can't keep up therefore they have a complicated relationship with rest. The truth is you are the teacher of the collective and you see things in new and expansive ways unlike the other types. therefore you should not be spending your energy on hustling instead you need to take you time and dive into the learnings that excite you that you can bring back and share with the collective. My advice for you is to take naps when your body calls for it. Also consider how you can sleep away from other generators to fully be able to restore your energy. You need to release the sacral energy you took in during the day because it is not yours.

Rest for Reflectors

Cool fact about you- you reflect back the energy of those around you, and do not create your own energy. This is why you have to be super cautious about who you're around and where you go. What I challenge you to do is to take inventory of what you're spending your time doing and who you're spending your time with. Determine what is working for you and what is not. Listen to your body because it will tell you. You need time to retreat. So before bed spend time in silence.It's important you're not taking in any new information (i.e. watching tv, scrolling social media, checking email). Much like projectors, You need to release the sacral energy you took in during the day because it is not yours.

These sleeping habits are tremendously important. They're about health and de-conditioning and living our life in alignment. The truth is we live a third of our lives sleeping, but many of us aren't truly resting in the way our body requires. Use these tips to incorporate the right type of rest into your life.

If you're looking for more tools, strategies and supports on your human design discovery journey join me FREE upcoming Human Design Workshop called Living Aligned By Design where I teach you to not only uncover your human design, but to align your life with it.

Join us here:


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