Learn How To Master Your Emotions

Mastering your emotions is one of the most complex things you’ll ever have to learn to do.

The reality is what you are feeling is what you choose to feel. You can choose to feel any emotion at any time. You can choose to respond in a certain way at any time. 

The truth is where your focus goals your energy flows. Therefore we must learn to focus our energy on what is important. Which is how to master our emotions. Here is how we can do that:

  • Identify the emotion and the trigger

  • Appreciate the emotion and don’t try to resist it

  • Analyze the emotion. Consider the value and how does it serve you. 

  • Affirm yourself. Consider the times you have conquered past situations. 

  • Tackle the emotion with action 

Ultimately we are all humans and therefore we will deal with many different emotions. The good news is the emotions do not have to control us any longer. We can choose to respond in the way that is going to serve us the best. Not in the way that our emotions tell us we have to respond.

Watch this video to learn more.


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