How to Embody the Life You Desire to Live

I can’t tell you how many times in the coaching world I’ve heard the word embody. Embody what you want to be embody what you want to feel you get the point. But if you’re like most people you’re likely struggling with what does it mean to embody and how do I go about doing it. The good news is in today’s article I’m going to share exactly what you can do to get started on your journey to “embody” and being able to step in to the next level version of where you’re going to be.

Embody is defined as the ability to show or be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling).

Before you can begin to embody anything the first step is to give yourself permission to change. Sometimes we can tell ourselves that it feels fake or we feel like a fraud but the reality is we are meant to change. Even in nature still water becomes toxic. And I’m a firm believer that if God wanted you to stand still he would’ve given you roots not feet. So first and foremost give yourself permission to change into who it is that you desire to be

Next it is so important for you to understand that you have POWER. If I can be honest most of us do not realize how powerful we really are let alone step into it. A lot of times we put thought and effort into creating systems and strategies to support our growth, but if I could be honest 90% of growth is simply just making a decision to not stay where you currently are. So once you’re able to recognize that your power is in your decision and make the decision to adjust you are already on the right track to being able to move in the direction of the embodiment of the success you desire and deserve

Next layout who it is that you will fully embody. I always recommend journaling and visualization together to bring it to life!

  • Who is this woman you so desire to be?

  • What type of coach do you desire to be?

  • How does she spend her days?

  • When does she get up and what is the first thing she does?

  • What type of people are in her circle

  • What type

  • What are her thoughts on money?

  • Does she feel secure in her finances?

  • What are her thoughts when spending or receiving money?

  • How does she dress, talk, and walk?

  • Where does she live?

Answering these questions may take a little bit of time and that’s totally OK in fact I recommend it. I also recommend that you bring in your imagination what do you see what do you hear what do you feel. When you bring in the visualization you connect with your subconscious mind making it more real.

And what I need you to remember during this time is SHE IS YOU. You are her!

What you’ll notice is while you’re spending time creating this vision and really working to bring this woman to life you will find that you’ll get different guidance into the downloads or different forms of direction about steps you can take or decisions you can make. Begin to lean in and trust yourself knowing that when you make aligned decisions you begin to create the success in the life that you desire and deserve

If you’re looking for more tools and strategies and supports on your journey to living your best life thing for you are you free live your best life guide you will learn the strategy to bridge the gap from where you are to where you wanna be join us here!


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