The Truth About The Hustle Culture

Did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) legitimized burnout by making it an official medical diagnosis affirming what many of us had already been experiencing for years.

🎉Surprise 🎉

Sadly so many of us buy into the hustle culture where we believe we have to be busy and go go go to prove our valueBut what I want you to know is that the hustle culture is toxic AF. Overworking and sleeping when you die is more harmful than it is helpful. Being busy to brag about it is literally changing your health in the worst way. Now I know that knowing this is one thing making a change is something totally different.

For years I was that woman wearing multiple hats doing #allthethings and trying to balance everythingBut at the same time I was teetering on the brink of burnout. What I learned during this time is that less is more! I had to give myself permission to stop buying into the hustle culture that society sells to us. I had to remind myself that busy doesn’t equal productive. And I had to learn that to go go isn’t always good. This is also what I teach my clients to do because balance is so much better than burnout.

So if you’re ready to stop buying into the hustle culture and know it’s time to make a change you need to remove any language or anything in your environment that represents hustle from your vocab! I notice this comes up when we feel the need to brag to others about what we are doing and how busy we have been.Redefine success. For my doctorate degree I spent almost 2 years studying the term success and deaths. I interviewed over 23 women all with different definitions of success. In this moment I realize that it’s OK if we have our own unique version a success and it helps us to create success on our own terms.Commit to a schedule that allows you to take action aligned with the success you desire! Nothing more and nothing less.

Overall the hustle mentality doesn’t have to take over your life any longer. You can get in control of your schedule find the balance that you desire and deserve and ultimately change your life and success for good. If you’re looking for the tools to make this happen sign up for a FREE call with me HERE!


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