Using a Napkin to Design a Life You Love

On the journey of designing a life you love it’s easy to become overwhelmed with where to begin and also what’s most important. Today I will share my “Napkinify” strategy which allows you to take your vision for your life and simplify it to create a life you love.

Let’s imagine you’re sitting at a restaurant with you’re closest friend and they hear you’re on the journey of designing a life you love and want to know more about it. You decide you wanna tell them, in fact you have so much to share but you have no clue how to sum it up.

So you pull out the drink napkin and begin to write down what this looks like for. That napkin layout is the summary of your best life. You identify what you’re looking forward to, what you’re changing, and why you’re excited about this. Nothing more nothing less. Remember the napkin is only so big.

Essentially your summary and layout should not be overwhelming but it also shouldn’t not be underwhelming and the napkin approach lets you determine where you fall. It is also a great tool to hold on to because when you’re done you can always use it as a reference to see if you’re on the right track. So today I challenge you to pull out a napkin at your table and play out this scenario.See where your mind leads you and begin to create from that place! And from there take action. It serves nobody, including yourself, to have a big vision and let it pass you by. So consider what is one small step you can take in the direction of your dreams today?

If you’re tired of feeling like everyone else is living their best life but you’re not and if you’re looking for more support on the journey to truly living your best life sign up for my free live your best life guide. Here you will learn how to lay out the vision that you have for your life and the steps that you need to take to make this vision your reality:


How to be Consistent with Your Goals


How to Use a Napkin to Organize and Write Your eBook