Do You Really Know Yourself?

Do you deeply know yourself?

Not what your favorite food is, not your favorite tv show, but beyond the surface!

  • What makes you uniquely you?

  • What makes you tick?

  • What gets you super high vibe and happy?

  • How do you gain energy? How is it zapped?

  • How your presence affects other people and how to maximize your relationships?

  • What emotion should you be in when making decisions?

Many of us believe we can answer these questions but what we know is usually on the surface level. The problem I have with that is life is so much more than what we can see but we don't usually dig deeper beyond that.

Imagine if I gave you a manual to fly a plane when you were wanting to learn to drive a car. My justification is that they are both forms of transportation. Sounds crazy right? That's exactly what we do in society. We give this one size fits all approach to everything in life.  Goals, Happiness, Eating, Exercise, Success, Love, Relationships, Money, Decisions everything...which is literally the worst approach. 

What works for one person is not guaranteed to work for you! This is why I love human design......because it takes who you really are at the core and provides insights that apply directly to you!

Simply put the human design model gives you your unique manual for your specific car. And when you learn how to best drive your car with the right information you know you're always headed in the correct direction.

Being able to understand your unique manual helps everything to finally make sense!

Human design helps you to understand how you are uniquely designed to thrive, specifically around how you're designed to make decisions, best communicate, who you need in your corner, where your natural strengths are, and how you can best overcome distractions.

Knowing this information can provide deep insight into why we do what we do, what we need to stop doing (or de-condition from), and how we can move forward in our lives as our most magnetic, abundant and authentic self.  


Knowing your design is the first and best step you can take to create the life that you want for yourself. 

If you’re ready to not only know yourself on a deeper level but to also better understand how to use it as you create the life you desire and deserve join my FREE Human Design workshop Living Aligned By Design HERE!

Can't wait to chat with you soon!


How to Uproot Limiting Beliefs


Gratitude Jar