How to Stop Living for the Weekend


So it’s Friday and you’re so excited because you’re like yes it’s the weekend. And while most of us normalize that the work week sucks and that Friday is the best thing ever we have to stop living for the weekend. Your entire life revolves around how exciting the weekend is you’re never gonna be able to make the most of your life fully.

So today I want to share five ways that you can stop living for the weekend and be more intentional about living all week.

1. Find something to look forward to during the week.

It’s common to wait for the weekend to give yourself permission to enjoy your days. Instead of only waiting for the week choose to instead enjoy time during your week as well. This could be a happy hour with friends, a movie night with family or a great mindful nature walk. Whatever you decide find time to do something during the week as well.

2. Take consistent and intentional action towards your goals and dream life.

We often approach our goals with haphazard approaches. If you want to accomplish your goals and bring your vision to life you must take intentional action. For example if your job is unfulfilling are you actively seeking a new one. If you’re unhappy with your weight are you seeking to move your body daily?

3. Take care of yourself. In order to make the most of your week you must prioritize self care.

If you’re constantly putting yourself on the back burner you will always be on the brink of burnout and exhaustion. Determine ways you can incorporate small self care activities regularly throughout the week. And note self care doesn’t need to cost it could be as simple as getting a full 8 hours of rest of eating a colorful salad!

4. Practice gratitude for what you do have.

I am a firm believer that the more you practice gratitude the more you attract things to be grateful for. So choose to adopt a gratitude practice. You can start simply by spending your day looking for things to be grateful for and then reflecting on those each evening. This will help you to feel high vibe and in turn you will notice that life is all bad after all.

5. Incorporate boundaries.

The reason the week feels so overwhelming is because of your lack of boundaries. For example if you have been working over to impress your boss be willing to say no. If you have been eating lunch in your office so you can be available if someone needs you maybe begin to eat your lunch in your car or outdoors. If you have been running your children to 5 different extra curriculars ask for help or maybe minimize it down to 3. Regardless, you have to be willing to say “no” to the things that do not serve you because for every no you say to something else is a yes you say to yourself. If you’re living for the weekend that’s a tell tale sign that you’re not making the most out of your life. Which also means you’re likely stressed, overwhelmed, on the brink of burnout or resentful with where you’re at.

If you’re ready to make a change and you are looking for more tools to live your best life and not just on the weekend then sign up for my live your best life guide where I will walk you through identifying what it is you really want out of life and more importantly how to take strategic action to get it. The best part is it’s totally free.Sign up here:


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