How to Reset Your Life

I always say we are only one decision away from a totally different life. Sadly far too many of us keeping replaying the same life over and over again getting stuck in a rut, on the verge of breakdown and eventually resentful. That is no way to life. Life doesn't have to be like this. You can make the needed shifts and changes to begin to create the life you truly desire regardless of where you are now. Maybe you're convinced that life needs to change, you're burned out and sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe you're tired of going through the motions and wondering if this is all that life could possibly have to offer. You're not alone. Being stuck and stagnant is one of the most difficult places to live in. When you have no purpose, it can instantly become disheartening making you wonder if you should keep pressing forward. Know that it's never to late to create a life you love! But you can change the trajectory of your life by:

  1. Accepting your past.

    Changing your life is not as easy as wiping away a file on your computer. Your past is a very real part of your life. While you may be frustrated with your past know that it where growth and learning come from and truthfully that is what has gotten you where you are currently.Accept your past mistakes, but focus on the future, cuz that's where you're headed.

  2. Review what you want and where you want to be.

    Name it. define it. visualize it. Clarity is literally the most important step you can take that can get you closer to what you desire. I mean seriously if you don't know what you want how will you know how to get there.

  3. Shift your mindset.

    I know we all hear about mindset and it's quite frustrating but honestly without a healthy mindset no tool in the world, and no system you have in place will take you where you truly want to be. So choose to shift your mindset to focus on what you are capable of not what you can't do. One of my favorite quotes goes as "whether you believe you can or can''re right". Basically what we focus on grows so shift your mindset to what it is you desire.

  4. Create new routines, patterns and priorities.

    We are creatures of habits. When we have healthy habits this serves us. When we have unhealthy habits it does not. So when you change your routines and patterns you essentially align your current life with the life you desire. While this step may be a tad bit challenging because it requires discipline, consistency and commitment this step will literally change the trajectory with your goals. So take time to review what habits and patterns are working for you and do more of those. Next determine which are not and how you can remove those!

  5. Take action.

    Determine what it is that you need to obtain what you truly desire. Don't beat yourself up or get overwhelmed. Goals can be reached one small step at a time. One small step plus one small step equals great results.

  6. Create a new circle.

    Research says we are the average of the top five people we spend time with. So when you want to uplevel your life you also must uplevel your circle. Now understand I am not at all saying stop talking to your friends or family that do not like what you life. What I am saying is consider who you have around you that is going to push you to where you want to go? Who do you have around you that will give you the mentor ship you desire? These are major things you will need in the process of resetting your life.

The great news is you have the power to make the shifts and changes you desire and deserve at any given moment. Let's talk about how to make that happen: The quickest way to change your course is to start....and start today! Get your free life audit guide here:

When life is audited, life improves. This is your chance to Hit reset. Start over. And make the next chapter your best chapter.


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