The Biggest Mistakes Writers Make When Writing Their eBook

Writing has changed completely. Long gone are the days where you had to have some extensive manuscript submitted to a publishing house to become an author. You can choose to write your book and self-publish or you can even go the route of writing eBooks. While I love how Amazon has revolutionized the publishing process there are some problems as well. Truth be told anyone can call themselves an author. In fact, it is easier, and more affordable than ever to publish an e-book. Some people do really well and some people struggle in the publishing world.

Here are the top 4 mistakes that authors make when writing and publishing their book and how to avoid them.

  1. They try to talk to everyone. If you write a book for everyone you write a book for no one. It’s important that you know who you’re writing to and that you write specifically to them.

  2. They don’t truly know what their audience wants. It’s great that you have a topic, but what are their particular questions about that topic.

  3. They don’t pay attention to their cover. Truth be told books are 100% judged by their cover. Meaning it is imperative that you make your cover appealing to your audience.

  4. They try to cover too much with very little depth. Many people try to count words or page numbers or just try to fill blank space, without really being intentional about what they are offering their audience.

All in all writing an eBook requires dedication, discipline, routine and consistency but it is so worth it. If you're ready to write your eBook you can sign up for my training here:


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