What makes a course profitable?

How would it feel to make an extra 10k a month?
How about 50k a month ?
This is what the average course creator makes. If you would love the idea of having passive income from your writing then creating a course is the way to go.
Now note that not every course is profitable, but if you're intentional about creating a quality course yours can definitely be one!
Here are the top factors that influence the income you can earn from your course:
  1. The cost of the course - depending on your audience and what they can afford to pay that will determine your How much disposable income your audience has will determine how many of them are willing or able to buy your course. The price of your online course will determine how much money you earn each year. So if you have a course that’s $100 you will need to sell 100 make $10k verses if you charge $1000 you only need to sell 10 to make the same amount
  2. Your expertise -If you already have some visibility on social media or in the local area based on a certain topic when you create a large of course you’re more likely to get sales because people already recognize you under that domain. This is because they have already built trust and consistency and shown themselves to be an expert. That’s not to say that if you don’t have a following or that reputation it would be impossible you just need to focus on building trust and growing your following to get in front of the people who need to hear from you.
  3. The content - the amount you earn from your course will also be determined by the amount of energy you put into it. if you create a high level course , with great content and get good reviews more people will be inclined to continue to enroll which in turn increases your potential for greater income
 The worst mistake course creators can make is to believe that by slapping together random material and titling that they can sell that for a course. While you may get a few sales, the reviews and results won't be good and in the long term your course won't be profitable.  Choose to focus on creating a course with quality content and clear objectives to ensure that you're not only increasing your impact, but also your income!
Sign up for my free course creation challenge here: https://nicolyawilliams.com/coursecreationchallenge/

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