The consequences of not setting boundaries

Is setting and maintaining boundaries a regular practice for you?

Setting boundaries can be a difficult concept especially for those who have never seen them shown in a healthy way. 
When we first set out to create boundaries in our life it can be overwhelming it can be difficult and I can feel cruel. This is why a lot of people avoid setting boundaries.

Not to mention the fact that we have learned to put our self on the back burner to make other people feel comfortable. 

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But the reality is without setting healthy boundaries there are a lot of consequences.

The first consequences is you will likely deal with a lot of emotional responses.
The second consequence is you have the potential to get taken advantage of.
The third consequence is your relationships will typically be toxic or unhealthy
The reality is that the process of setting boundaries is not always perfect.
Sometimes we believe we’re setting boundaries but what we’re doing is actually unhealthy. This could include saying yes when we truly mean no, this could be over sharing our business. This could be maintaining a relationship with someone who we know does not mean for us.
The truth is we must take time to sit still with our thoughts and listen to what we’re experiencing. When you do this you’ll have a chance to see if the boundaries you have set are appropriate and which boundaries you need to add in your life.
Watch my newest video to learn more.


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