How to pick a topic for your online course

When selecting a course topic, consider the subjects you feel most confident teaching and those of which you have a uniquely valuable perspective. Picking a topic for your course can be challenging. Maybe you have no ideas, or maybe your overwhelmed with a lot of ideas. Use this analogy to start thinking of some ideas for a course topic that really highlights your expertise and changes lives!S- Support- is there something you support others with? How did your support help them? How can you replicate this and create a course? What is something people come to you and ask you all the time?E-Experience- What do have experience with that you would be willing to educate others on? This could include life experience, career experience, relationship experience etc.E-Education- Do you have certifications/degrees/training on a particular subject that you could educate others on?P- Passion- is there something you're passionate about? What could you do and feel like you're not working?Please note that just because someone else has created a course on a particular subject, similar to yours does not mean you cannot create your course. In fact, this confirms that the idea you have has already shown to have a need and be validated. So take some time today to consider what you may want to create your course on.If you're looking for some support to get started creating your online course sign up for my FREE course creation made simple here:


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