My Journey Into Business

As a life coach I work to help women heal from hurt that is difficult to discuss and I also help women write, publish and prosper from their story. Now many people would ask how do these two things overlap ?

Great question...because I never would have thought they would either. 

God showed me something different. When I began my business it was 100% by accident. For years I had a desire to write a book, but in 2016 I committed to following through with this goal of mine. When I published my first two books I instantly became a best selling author. 

That is when things changed. 

People started to reach out and ask for tips to write, publish and become a best selling author as well. I used my experience to coach people through this process. 
From there I started to see and learn a lot. I learned that many people, who desired to become an author, were struggling with healing from things that they wanted to write books about. They were struggling with abuse, trauma, divorce, financial concerns, childhood memories, repressed memories etc. 

I went to school and have a counseling license so immediately I knew I had the skills to coach them through the healing journey. This was life changing for me because for once I could take my years of education, my passion and desires and change lives.

It was then that I knew I desired to be a coach and that is when my brand was birthed. I have spent the last several years coaching people through healing and helping them turn their story into books that change others lives as well. 

The best part is all this began from a little dream to publish a book.
 I am so glad I finally made the non negotiable decision to commit to my dream because this journey has been such a blessing and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Check out this video to learn more. 


Should I set boundaries with myself?


The #1 Secret to Success