Let's Talk About Highly Sensitive People

I want to talk about highly sensitive people. Not sensitive in the way that we think of sensitivity. 

​But those who are expected to have a greater level of emotions around emotional stimuli etc. 

​​For those that are not aware of what an HSP is I will explain. A highly sensitive person is someone who has high sensitivity to the sights, sounds, emotional cues, and other stimuli around them. 

​​It is estimated that between 15%-20% of people fall into this category. 

​​ Some signs of highly sensitive people are

-​You become emotionally exhausted from others feelings

-​You abhor violence 

-​ You withdraw often

 -​You think deeply 

-You d​​esire to have a purpose 

-​You can be jumpy 

-​You have less pain tolerance 

​​Basically, highly sensitive people have highly sensitive nervous systems which means they feel things stronger than the average person. Research has confirmed that there is actually a sensitive genetic gene which is confirmation that this is literally how they are made.  

​​ It can be challenging as an HSP to not be understood, to pick up on things that other people don't and to constantly try to pretend like you're normal.  

​​I am here to share that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you. Watch this video to learn more about how you can make sense of this and take care of yourself at the same time.


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