How to find your creativity

As I lay here literally in bed writing this blog I started to think about just a few short years ago where I allowed myself to believe I was not creative. Not too long ago people would give me different creative activities to engage in and I would always give pushback because I did not believe that I was creative.
For me, creativity was having to create this beautiful cake or decorating a house in this perfect way. I had no ability to be able to see beyond the idea that creativity looks different for every person. Fast forward to a few years later when I started to write my books and I just had such a passion for writing and taking my own life lessons and experiences and sharing those with other women. To me, I did not define it as creativity because it came easy to me. Whereas some people are just naturally interior designers and some people are just naturally great chefs and some people can draw something with their eyes closed and not think twice. All of those things were challenging and so I assumed that because I was incapable of doing those with ease that I was not creative. The truth is my creativity lied in something that I was more passionate about. Through me learning about my creative approach to life I have learned to make my creativity work for me.
I’ve now learned to hone in on my creativity using different strategies to be able to really maximize my success when I’m wanting to pull out that creative side. Here are three strategies I use to maximize my creativity.
The first thing that I always do is I make sure that I keep a notebook around me. Now, why would I necessarily need a notebook around me at all times?
I’ve noticed that sometimes creative ideas will come when I least expect it. As in right now as I’m laying here thinking of sharing this information with you all the idea popped in. Had I not had a journal or notebook to write it down this idea I probably would’ve forgotten about it by morning and not been able to share my experience with creativity. I am always open and willing to have creative ideas come to me and I am ready to implement them or write them as soon as possible.
The second thing I do is I work at my creative peak time. Through the years I have learned the times of day that I am most focused. For me personally, I am most focused early in the morning. This is because no one is awake yet to distract me and the day to day responsibilities haven’t hit. Now that I am aware of this I am sure that I wake up early each morning to make sure that I am using that peak time appropriately.
The third thing I do is take things off of my plate that gets in the way or discourages my creativity. I think about when I first began my business I really wanted to create a website but didn’t want to spend the money on it. So I decided that I would teach myself how to make my own website. I spent hours which turned into days which turned into over a few weeks of me just doing research and trying to my website into something beautiful. Needless to say, the website turned out terrible and I was extremely discouraged. It made me begin to question if I really was creative after all. It caused me to want to give up altogether. I have learned that if there are certain things that you are not good at and they are going to take more time and energy away from something that you’re wonderful at that you have to be willing to outsource. This allows you to free up your time to focus on your zone of genius
So my question to you is have you found your zone of genius? 

​​And how do you make sure that you were always working towards that?


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