Are you an entrepreneur?

 When you hear the word entrepreneur, what comes to mind? Someone who starts a business?Maybe what comes to mind is someone who is creative. While these are all components of entrepreneurship there is more to it.I have been studying entrepreneurship specifically as it relates to women for my dissertation and it has been so enlightening. Today I want to share how to think more like an entrepreneur.Whenever people do something that is outside their comfort zone, they can be considered entrepreneurial. It may have nothing to do with business either. If you have never built a deck before and then one day you learn the techniques on how to do it, you are in effect, being entrepreneurial.Have you ever thought about writing a book but don’t know the first thing about how to do it? Suppose you took a course on it and proceed to publish your first book? You will have the entrepreneur spirit when you do this. It all begins with you believing in yourself and taking the leap to align your goals with your life.You can even consider blogging an example of being entrepreneurial. If you are capable of building a following on your blog, it can be used to start selling products or services to them. As long as you provide information that is beneficial to others, they will be willing to pay for it. They too may use what you have provided as a means to become entrepreneurs themselves.Any skill you learn can actually be turned into a business when you master it. You could easily build decks for others or help potential authors get published. Think about a skill you have always wanted to learn and take the steps to learn it. This can be your new business if you want.It is easier than ever to learn skills with the help of the internet. There is plenty of free training on sites like YouTube or if you want to step up your training you may be able to find what you’re looking for on There are new sites that offer training on just about every subject imaginable. With deck building, you may even find how to do what you want by visiting sites like Lowe’s or Home Depot. They have plenty of how-to videos which they offer for free with the hope that you buy the supplies from their stores.Anyone can be an entrepreneur and in fact, everyone essentially is. My two daughters are always engaging in entrepreneurial pursuits and it is amazing. When you learn new skills or take a new position at work, you are using an entrepreneurial mindset. When you do something that you have never tried before, you are by definition being entrepreneurial.One consistent theme I have noticed is that as adults grow older we often try to hide our creative side whether we are embarrassed about it or not really confident in what it means for us.So today I challenge you to think about what in you makes you an entrepreneur.


The Gift of Gratitude


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