How to reduce anxiety when writing your book!

Having anxiety when you're writing your book can be very discouraging. A lot of women come into the process with the idea that it will be easy. The book writing process is truly life-changing.I used to get a ton of anxiety when I would begin to write a new book. A lot of that was rooted in fear. Like I was not sure if the book would be good or that people would want to read it. I used to also be fearful that I would waste time and money on my book and it would flop.So today I wanted to see if I could address this for you as well. Here are four ways to work through the anxiety that can be related to writing your book.1. Go back to your why!Why did you why did you decide to write a book? What was your purpose for your book? What is your biggest motivator to finish this book?These questions help you to really reflect and resonate with the importance of your book. When you begin to answer then it will help you to gain the momentum you need to push forward with your writing process.2. Get some support!Anxiety can creep in when we feel alone when we can't talk to anybody about our project and we feel that nobody will understand. In this case, it is important that you reach out to people that will understand and people that are in a similar area as you in this case writers. I created an accountability group for this very purpose. I wanted women to know that they were not alone in their process.Having supportive people around you that have also gone through or are going through what you are will make you feel more empowered and motivated.3. Indulge in self-care!Writing is an incredibly lengthy process and it can drain your energy very quickly, sometimes without you even noticing it. It is important to recognize when you are low on energy and then find some time to engage in self-care.A lot of us women believe that self-care is selfish and that we should not do it but self-care is a great way to respect and love your body for all that it does for you.If you’re looking for some self-care ideas check out this link for some creative ideas

  1. Step back.

A lot of times when we are first working through the process we assume that we have to have a go go go mentality. It is perfectly okay to take a break. In fact I recommend taking breaks . When you take a short break it gives you a chance to regroup and refocus on your process . I take Sunday’s as my break day and this always helps me to gain new momentum for the week ahead.Which tip will you try to reduce your anxiety? If you're ready to get started writing your book sign up here for a jump start on writing your chapters:


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