Top 7 Things You Need to Be Successful

pexels-photo-58021 Do you have what it takes to be successful?You don't need the right family, an inheritance, supportive parents, good looks, or anything else that's beyond your control.Those things can certainly make the road smoother, but they're not imperative.You can create everything you need to be successful on your own.

Here is what you need:

1. A vision for the future. It's important to know what you want. How will you get what you want if you don't know what you want? A vision for the future is the same as making decisions about what you want and don't want. * That vision also provides the motivation to continue when things become challenging, and they will.2. Goals. Once you have a vision, you're in the position to create goals to make that vision a reality. Failing to have goals is deciding to keep your life the same.3. The ability to create healthy habits. A thin, attractive, healthy body is the result of an effective set of habits. Effective habits will also provide you with a healthy bank account. Your ability to reach your goals is largely dependent on your ability to create and implement habits4. The ability to deal with discomfort. Success involves change. Change is uncomfortable. How do you handle discomfort? Do you become overwhelmed, grab the remote, and head for the couch with a plate full of cookies? Or do you take a deep breath, step up, and take care of business? * Successful people are able to act even when they feel uncomfortable.5. Proactivity. Successful people look ahead and make appropriate plans. They see their future opportunities and challenges and modify their plans and behaviors accordingly. Life also goes more smoothly if you're proactive.6. Patience. Patience and grit are related. Creating success requires time and patience. Patience is necessary to see concrete results. Without patience, frustration eventually wins.7. Discipline. There will always be things that seem more fun that working on success. You will need to be disciplined enough to remember your priorities and to know when you are allowed to do things outside of that.Success doesn't require anything outside of your control. You need a vision, a plan to get there, and the ability to follow through. You can be as successful as anyone you've ever known. Take control and create a life that pleases you. Begin today by creating a vision of the future that compels you to make goals and take action.


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